y/ns pregnant!!

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the next day.

the boys arrive back from LA and you all greet them at the airport, you drive mason back from the airport and you both sit in silence because he sees it's obvious you know what happened, Ben and liliana follow behind and Sophia and Kai in the car behind them.

you all go to bens house and you take your test with you and Sophia brings a spare one to just make sure you 100% are.

you don't talk to liliana and just run inside to the toilet with Sophia.

Ben: where's soph and y/n???

mason: idk?

Kai: Sophia needed help with something

Kai knows as Sophia told him, but he is going along with the plan.

you check and you're 100% pregnant and you guys scream and run out.

your plan is to tell mason privately.

you take him into the hall and show him the test and he jumps up and down happily and hugs you but you push him off and he questions you.

Mason: what was that for y/n?

y/n: I know about LV but I'm ignoring that for our kid.

mason: y/n pl-

y/n: no! I'm doing this for our kid, otherwise I would've left you by now! Fucking idiot thinking I'll stick around for you.

you storm into the lounge and Ben hugs you and congratulates you and mason and liliana says "congrats y/n and mason!"

Kai hugs you and does the same.

Ben pulls you outside and apologised for posting the story.

Ben: please y/n, I'm so sorry. I was drunk!

y/n: fine, I guess you didn't do anything wrong!

Ben: can I be in the baby's life then?!?!

y/n: well you are supposed to be it's god father!


y/n: wohooo!!!

Ben: I cannot wait, what you gonna do about mason then?

y/n: I just give up giving him second chances, it's like he think I'm weak?

Ben: he doesn't, I promise he was so angry at himself when he became sober enough to think.

y/n: really?

Ben: yeh, just talk with him, he only kissed her for like 6 seconds and then pushed her away and realised what he'd done, but then again it's too late.

y/n: fine.

ben runs in the lounge and calls mason to go outside, you both go in the front garden and sit on the step.

mason: so, you called me here?

y/n: yep, Ben told me you regret what you did.

mason: I really do y/n, you must believe me. I love you with all my heart, I never meant to hurt you, I want to be in my child's life and I want to be in your life. I love you y/n, ive never liked someone as much as I do with you!

y/n: m-mason i love you too!

you both kiss and hug and make up and go inside and enjoy your evening with the others.

ill be doing this story with more parts, but at the same time ill make another one! so enjoy both:) x

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