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Zoe lost track of how long she and Louis had been sitting there in complete silence, just staring out into the vast countryside trying to come to terms with what was happening around them.

"No you don't get it, I need to find her!"

"This really isn't the time, you should be laying down!"

"I'll lay down in my coffin when I'm dead, right now I need to see Zoe!"

Zoe sighed as the screams got progressively louder, meaning they were getting closer. She didn't think she'd have to face the wrath of Leslie Tistle so close to nearly being killed. Again.

"Mols, it's okay. I'm fine." Leslie scoffed, glaring at Molly as she approached the sulking brunette.

"Like hell you are, if you're fine I'm a bloody Hufflepuff."

"Isn't that offensive to Hufflepuffs?" Leslie stopped in her tracks and glanced at Louis, her face breaking into a smile.

"Well, if it isn't Louis Weasley." The blonde grinned, opening his arms out in an invite to receive Leslie in a hug.

Of course Leslie and Louis had met, on multiple occasions actually. Once when Beauxbattons had a sort of field trip to Hogwarts and both of them got each other at least six detentions in a week for being found snogging in a classroom.

Needles to say they knew each other, very well.

"I didn't know you'd be at the party, I would've come find you." Leslie shrugged, accepting Louis' hug and kissing both his cheeks in greeting.

"We'll I've been running around."

"Are you busy? We could go inside and catch up on old times." Leslie shook her head with an amused smile.

"I'm afraid I have a boyfriend now, Lou." Louis' grin immediately fell.

"And who is the lucky man?" Leslie slowly stepped away from his grasp, her cheeks tinting red.

No one knew how or why, but Leslie was the best out of their friend group at resisting the veela charm, that of course didn't stop her from previously flirting with all three of them. But it did make it awfully easier to sneak away from them.

"Fred." Louis raised his eyebrows.

"And here I thought you had better taste, love." Leslie shrugged.

"I've had worse."



Zoe sighed, although their previous lover's quarrel was awfully entertaining, she wasn't having it.

"Les, the point of your visit, please?" The Ravenclaw hurriedly cleared her throat, her teasing smile melting into a face of seriousness.

"Albus has lost his mind, he heard about James and his parents staying behind and wants to go track them down. We've tried talking him out of it, but he won't budge. And since you're the last one who saw James, you might be able to convince him about how absolutely mental it'd be to go back there and make James even more distracted."

Zoe didn't reply and only began her trek back up towards where the cluster of people was concentrated.

"Al, you can't go back there!"

"Like hell I can't!"

"You can't even apparate!"

"Watch me."

In only a few short steps, Zoe had already come face to face with the argument between a blue-haired person and a fuming Albus Potter.

"Melody?" The words left her mouth before she could stop them, and immediately after the person turned around did she regret them.

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now