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Hours later, Leslie had fallen under a food coma for eating one too many sugar quills and decided to use Theo as a pillow. Meanwhile Zoe and Melody were both hanging upside down their seats.

"You're awfully quiet Theo." The Hufflepuff shrugged, gently moving Leslie's head so it could rest better against his shoulder.

"I'm just thinking." Melody smirked, pressing her pointer fingers against Theo's legs.

"Thinking about Gavin?" Theo rolled his eyes, swatting Melody's hands away which nearly made her fall on her head. Luckily she didn't.

"No! I stopped crushing on Gavin years ago. Get with the program, Mel."

"So who's the new boy toy?" Theo shrugged, gazing longing out towards the horizon.

"Don't know. I'm kind of just waiting for a some hot guy to drop out of nowhere and profess his undying love for me." Zoe chuckled, swinging her legs back and forth as they collided against the wall.

"Amen, brother." Melody immediately slapped her arm.

"You and Leslie aren't allowed to comment on that anymore. You're both in happy serious relationships, only I understand our lovely Theo now" Theo shuddered, making Melody glare at him.

"What a scary thought." Melody grabbed a fallen chocolate frog wrapped and threw it straight at Theo's head, although he managed to evade it before it truly hit him and sent it back to Melody.

Zoe giggled as she sat up correctly, her head dizzy from all the blood that had rushed to her head.

"Oi! You stop laughing!" Suddenly their attention went from each other to Zoe as they began to throw wrappers at her as well, turning into a full on wrapper battle. And somehow still not managing to wake Leslie up.

That girl could sleep through four earthquakes, an atomic bomb and a tsunami and would not realize anything happened until after she woke up.

Suddenly the compartment door opened, but unluckily for the person opening it, Zoe had already thrown a wrapper towards their general direction, and with her impeccable aim, of course it hit them right in the forehead.

"Ow! Really, Z? I try being a good boyfriend and came to surprise you, and you hit me in the face with a chocolate frog wrapper?" Zoe shrugged, giving James an innocent grin.

"Sorry, J."

James rolled his eyes back as he walked into the compartment and leaned down, dipping his head down so he could give Zoe a quick kiss before plopping down onto the seat between her and Melody.

And not even a second later after hey stopped giving each other their lovesick grins. Melody gagged.

"I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to that." Zoe shrugged as James wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to his side.

"We can do it again so you can start getting used to it." Melody glared at Zoe.

"If you two start snogging in my face, I'm going to snog Ty or something." Gavin began to laugh as Ty shook his head in disbelief, which only made him laugh even harder.

"As much as I would absolutely love to see Ty turn all red as Melody kissed him. He's gotta go do boring head boy activities."

"Hey! You got head boy! Congrats Ty." Ty nodded in appreciation while running a hand through his curls.

"Thanks. That's kind of why we came, aside from James wanting to see Zoe. I need Leslie to give the head girl speech with me, and Theo you're supposed to be there as well, being Hufflepuff prefect and all."

"You're the Hufflepuff prefect?!" Theo shrugged, staring down at his hands trying to avoid both Melody and Zoe's gaze.


"Well, bloody hell. I'm friends with two responsible idiots, and a lovesick idiot."

"Hey!" Both Theo and Zoe protested before he began to shake Leslie awake.

"And Gavin, I don't turn red." Gavin scoffed.

"You said that about dancing, and you absolutely killed it on that dance floor." Ty rolled his eyes while re-adjusting his head boy pin right on his chest.

"That doesn't mean I turn red." Gavin rolled his eyes, pushing Theo away from his seat so he could stand on it and be the same height as Ty.

Well as close as he could get to being able to meet Ty's eyes.

"You do turn red. I'll prove it." And without a warning, Gavin grabbed onto Ty's neck and gave him a lingering cheek kiss that was a little too close to his mouth to call it friendly.

And as Gavin had said, Ty immediately turned Gryffindor scarlet, allowing Gavin to pull away with a satisfied smirk.

"See?" Ty only stood frozen in spot, the only sign he was still alive being that his chest was heaving.

Leslie in her eternal hero arc, decided to interrupt the tense silence that had been created by both Gryffindors by clearing her throat.

"We're ready when you are, Ty." He didn't need to be told twice before he turned on his heel and sprinted away not even turning back to say goodbye, Theo and Leslie trailing after him while non-stop giggling.

"And what's his problem?" Zoe snorted into James' shoulder, causing James to bite his lip in order to keep his laughter in check.

They knew all too well what poor Ty was feeling when Gavin kissed him.

"He's got a bad case of 'The Drakes' might have to properly kiss him to cure it." Gavin smirked, pressing his palm against Zoe's forehead.

"Looks like you got a case of 'The Drakes' too. Want a kiss to make it better?" Gavin began to lean in while making kissing faces, but before he could even invade Zoe's personal space, James pushed him back.

"Flirt with my girlfriend again Drake and I'll turn you into a chicken." Gavin smirked at James.

"Kinky. You want a kiss kiss too?" James only scoffed, causing the two girls to begin to giggle uncontrollably once more.

Their friend group was indeed odd. After all it did seem most of the time like they were all dating each other with how much they flirted with one another.

But none of them would change it for anything.

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now