For the first time in ages, Zoe seemed to have a decent week of sleep. No dreams, no nightmares, no waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. It was just a nice free sleep.

In fact she had been sleeping so well that she was finally straying back to her usual routine of quidditch before dawn and super early breakfast. Much to Melody's disdain who always seemed to wake up at the same time as Zoe just because of all the ruckus she made.


"Mel this is your third cup of coffee in the last ten minutes." Melody looked up and glared at her friend, pushing her cup towards her.

"A-fucking-nother." Zoe sighed and served her another cup which she immediately downed in one gulp, making the brunette shake her head in disappointment.

"I'm not dealing with your hyperactive ass later." Melody shrugged, biting into her jam filled pastry.

"I'll just go annoy, Rox." Zoe shrugged, gently sipping her coffee as she saw Leslie and Theo approaching them.

"You do you."

"G'morning! How we feeling today?" All three women groaned, before Leslie reached out to the coffee pot and drank straight from it.

"Hey! I was drinking that." Melody poured as Leslie gulped down the remaining coffee, wiping her mouth with her napkin.

"And what's up with you?" Leslie groaned.

"I'm bored! Being in a stable relationship when your boyfriend doesn't go to Hogwarts anymore sucks!" Zoe smiled sympathetically, at least she was lucky in the sense of being able to see James every single day.

"Hasn't he written to you?" Leslie pulled out a card from her pocket.

"He has, but I miss him." Zoe gave Leslie a sideways hug, allowing the Ravenclaw to sink into her side and lean her head against her shoulder.

"And why are you so fucking chipper, Theo?" Theo shrugged, grinning way more than usual.

"No reason, just happy to be happy. The sky is blue, the sun is shining-"

"He has a crush." Theo's face immediately dropped.

"I don't." All three women rolled their eyes.

"Theo." They all chorused with a knowing look.

It was a common occurrence than every tule Theo began to crush on someone he'd start acting awfully chipper and happy. Especially when around them.

"Ugh, fine. Maybe I do have a tiny crush. But that's all you're getting." The three shared a knowing look before they turned back to him.

"It's Taylor." All three spoke simultaneously, making Theo's eyes widen.

"First of all, that was creepy. Secondly... yes maybe you're right." All three collectively shrieked, completely forgetting about their previous drowsiness.

"So when are you asking him?" Theo's eyes widened.

"No, no, no, no. I'm not asking him out. As far as I know he's not even into guys." Leslie rolled her eyes.

"Theo, he called you cute and said he'd totally date you." Theo shrugged.

"I call all of you cute and would definitely date you, doesn't mean I'm interested in you romantically." Melody rolled her eyes.

"Let him live in denial a little longer, soon enough he'll be shagging Simms in the cupboard." Theo's cheeks burned bright rare making the rest begin to laugh loudly.

"Melody Simone!" Melody grinned innocently, batting her eyelashes at him, which only made Theo groan.

"I need a distraction for you three right about now." And as if answering Theo's pleas, Albus and Scorpious ran over to them and set down a heavy book right in the middle of the table, making all the cutlery shake and clatter.

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now