He's A... A What Now?

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The dark starry sky coated the atmosphere. Everyone's chatter and laughter bounced across the walls, the sound of their footsteps reaching even the darkest of corners of the Potter household.

And even then, there was still no sign of who the party actually belonged to.

James had made it his life's goal from the moment he woke up being able to use magic to track his brother.

There was a reason about how last year Cedric had managed to learn what Zoe's biggest fear was, there was a reason to why he could stop time so only he and Zoe heard him.

If you asked James there was only one possibility, Cedric had inherited their father's skills in being a weirdly skilled legilimens, and had found a way to get in all of their heads.

James remembered the stories his mother had told him from the time Voldemort used to be in power, how he had tried to get them all to surrender through a speech that resonated in their heads.

Or most importantly, how not only Voldemort could see Harry's worst nightmares and twist them to his advantages, but how Harry could do the same thing to him.

The connection went both ways, and James was more than determined to tap into it and see Cedric's current residence.

He had lost track of how long he had been there sitting in his room in silence with nothing but darkness to accompany him.

His arm ached from how long he had held his wand against his temple, his own brain was spiralling as his head began to pound more with each attempt he made.

All he seemed to find in his own brain were his own memories. The time he and Fred wrapped all of Lily's room in wrapping paper, his first day at Hogwarts, the time he had to comfort Albus after he got selected into Slytherin and believed their father would disown him, meeting Gavin and Ty, kissing Zoe... All except a simple connection to his own brother.

With another groan after yet another failed attempt, James let his arms fall, banging his head against the wall he was leaning against.

"You know, it's technically your party downstairs." Lily peaked her head through James' previously closed door. Her red hair nearly perfectly straight, unlike most of their friends.

"I know." Carefully Lily closed the door behind her and sat next to James, both their backs pressed against the wall.

"So, why exactly are you hiding in your room?" James stayed silent.

"Pretty sure Grandma Molly will have a fit if you're not there by the time she stops boasting about Molly's new position in St.Mungo's." At that James cracked a small smile, his wand being twiddled between his fingers.

Lily rolled her eyes, out of the three Potter children, James had always been the loud extroverted one. He never stayed quiet he always had something to say. So for him to be so quiet and serious in the moment was terrifying.

Gently Lily bumped her shoulder against his.

"C'mon Jamesy, two heads work better than one." James cringed at the nickname before finally giving in, if there was one person he trusted, it'd be his own little sister.

"I can do magic now-" Lily snorted.

"That's typically what turning seventeen does to a wizard." James rolled his eyes before nudging Lily, the red-head trying to hold in her laughter at her own joke.

"I've been trying to find Cedric inside my mind," Finally Lily's smile fell. In that second James slightly regretted ruining her mood, but in his defence, she asked.

"He did this thing where he spoke to me and Zoe in our minds, and that could've only meant he got good at being at legilimency and probably left some trace behind, but I can't seem to find anything."

Contrary to what James though was going to happen, Lily smiled at him and brought him into a side hug, ruffling his hair like he used to do to her.

"Well, it's your birthday. And I'm all up for finding that asshole, but at least enjoy tonight. And I promise tomorrow I'll help you dive into that disturbing mind of yours." James laughed, quiet but yet still a laugh, before he hugged his sister, repeating the action of ruffling her hair despite her multiple protests.

"Thanks Lils." Lily stood up dusting her dress before offering him a hand.

"I expect payment in not being pranked for a month." James narrowed his eyes in thought.

"I'll think about it." She shrugged.

"Good enough." James grabbed onto her hand and pushed himself up, both heading down together towards the party.

Enjoying their last moments of pure peace, before it all went down in flames.


a/n: Gotta love not knowing what day I'm living in so I constantly forget to update 🤪

Seriously I was CONVINCED it was Sunday-

Spoiler: it's Wednesday 😃

Anyways  comment every Tuesday/Wednesday to remind me to update thanks 😁

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora