James had barely made it to the entrance of the dinning room after having to duel three of Cedric's goons at once. Leaving him with a nasty gash on his cheek and a couple of bruises littered all across his body. Nothing he couldn't handle in his mind.

If he had thought that outside the dining room was chaos, the previous centre of the party was full on hell. It was packed to the brim with either fallen debris, goons, or guests. Dust filling the room after every couple of seconds due to another stray spell.

"Expelliarmus!" James first spotted his father at the very edge, his sleeve was torn and one of the lenses of his glasses were broken, but aside from that he seemed alright.

Only four family members left to find.

"Dad!" With a last wave of his wand, Harry sent a goon flying into the wall while James ran towards him, hopping over the fallen bodies and debris.

As soon as he was within arms reach, Harry pulled James into a tight hug, both of their wands still on the ready.

"Are you okay?" James nodded, his eyes surveying the room.

"I'm fine. Where's Lily, Mum and Albus?" Harry ran a hand through his hair, waving has wand lazily while shooting another goon flying into a wall.

"I... I don't know. Last I saw Al was with Gavin and Ty, and Lily with Scorpious." James nodded and begun to leave to find them but Harry latched on to his wrist.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"To find them." Harry immediately shook his head.

"No you aren't, go to your grandparent's we'll meet you there." James sighed.

"You should know by now Dad, I don't listen to orders." Before he could protest further, James had already run away in search for his siblings, and hopefully the remaining Woods.

Not even two minutes into his search, James came to face with a goon being chased by what looked like a goose made of silvery whisps while it quacked after them.

Following the trajectory of the patronus goose, James found Leslie, her wand pointed directly at the running goon, a deathly glare on her face that almost made James cower.

...Well it did make James cower.

"Les, have you seen any of my siblings? Or Neo?" Leslie shook her head vigorously, not breaking eye contact with her patronus. After all it did require lots of focus to maintain a figure.

"Sorry. Do you know where everyone else has gone?"

"They're at my grandparent's. Fred can take you." Leslie growled lowly, finally letting the patronus vanish into thin air.

"If I could only find the idiot, that is."

Suddenly a rotten smell filled their nostrils that made everyone within a six feet radius begin coughing vigorously while they tried to cover their noses with their sleeves while questioning its origin.

Although it wouldn't remain a secret for long as a crack sounded next to Leslie and James in which Fred appeared with a joyous grin, almost as if he was in the middle of planning a prank and not in a full blown battle.

"That's the best use for a dung-bomb if you ask
me." Leslie glared at him while casting a bubble-head charm on herself so she could breathe properly.

"Why are you so smiley? Your sister could still be out there and you can barely breathe in here." Fred shrugged, scratching the back of his head with the tip of his wand before it got caught between one of his curls and had to begin to tug to get it out.

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now