"Usually I'd love to be a prefect, but I'd definitely dread having to deal with a bunch of hyperactive eleven year-olds." Zoe snorted, her arm looped through Melody's as they walked together towards the Slytherin common room for a much deserved sleep.

"Mel, you'd definitely Avada Kedrava one of them before the tour even started." Melody shrugged.

"Probably." Zoe laughed, leaning her head against Melody's as they slowly trailed behind the rest of the rushing Slytherin's.

"You're lucky you're an only child. You would've definitely murdered Neo as a kid."

"I still would murder Neo. Besides who need siblings when I have you, Leslie and Theo." Zoe snorted.

"Touché Miss Simone."

"What are you doing here lion?" The entire procession to the Slytherin common room stopped abruptly, making the duo nearly crash into the people in front of them.

"Can't I just hang out here?" Zoe sighed recognizing both voices who were two steps away from arguing.

One was Samuel, they hadn't spoken much but everyone knew how prejudicial he was towards other houses. Old Slytherin at its best.

And the other one was none other than Zoe's boyfriend. Or more specifically Zoe's Gryffindor boyfriend.

"I'll be back, Mel, gotta stop James from getting his ass kicked."

"You sure? I'm positive an ass kicking could help his character."

"I like my boyfriend without bruises and in one piece thanks Mel." With that Zoe pushed past the crowd to the front to save James Potter yet again.

"I bet you're standing here to continue on your brother's legacy. What was his name? Cedric?" Zoe couldn't see James yet, but she could just imagine the reaction he was giving to Samuel's teasing.

"How about you keep walking before I make you eat your words?"

"You want to join your brother in Azkaban? Who said Potters aren't loyal to each other."

"Leave him alone, Samuel!" Samuel scoffed, Zoe finally making it to the the front.

James was stood straight across from Samuel, his hands tightly made into fists, his face burning with rage as was Samuel's. But between them was Albus, who looked probably more threatening than his older brother.

"Of course you'd defend him. You're just as eager to kill all of us aren't you, Potter? Disgrace to Slytherin if you asked me." That was the last straw for both James and Zoe.

As James lunged forward to hex Samuel, Zoe also lunged forward her wand pointed at Samuel as well.

"Samuel! Knock it off!" James immediately froze, both his fist and wand inches away from the older Slytherin.

"Zoe Wood defending the Potters? That's got to be a first." Zoe was pretty much fuming by James' side.

"Nothing to see here! Keep walking!" Her voice carried a tone so autorative no one dared go against her orders and immediately scrambled to walk past the scene that had been created.

"What? Don't want to see your new besties get humiliated?" James clenched his fists once again.

"Al, go."

"You can't boss me around, James."

"I can. Go." Albus grumbled but still followed his brother's orders and left after the retreating figures of the Slytherin house.

"Trying to save your little brother from humiliation? How sweet. And they say you're fucked up." James lunged once more, but Zoe stepped in front of him making him stop.

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now