Some Call It A Party, She Calls It Hell

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Oliver Wood was well over the age of throwing tantrums or complaining about having to go to a birthday party he didn't want to attend.

Nevertheless he kept complaining from the second his wife had made them all dress up in a nicer attire seeing as apparently Ginny had threatened her with unleashing Fred and James with a stack of their favourite prank items if they dared show up in sweatpants to a Potter's birthday party once again, to the moment where they were all stood outside the Potter household.

Both Neo and Oliver kept yanking on their ties while Zoe tried not to trip on the heels she had been forced to wear.

"No one would notice if we just disappeared into thin air" Oliver only received a glare from his wife as she slowly pressed the doorbell, maintaining their little staring contest.

"Cant we just go visit grandma? She's only a wand wave away, and she has embarrassing pictures of Mum!" Zoe immediately stopped rubbing her sore heel and pointed excitedly at her younger brother.

It was enough torture that she was being forced to go to what could be considered her ex who she may or may not still have a crush on, but on top of that she had to wear an uncomfortable outfit and last a whole night of Weasley-type teasing.

It went without saying how she'd much rather be at her muggle grandmother's place stuffing herself with cookies and laughing at a picture of her mother covered in cake on her third birthday.

Sadly their hopes and dreams had been crushed by none other than Molly Weasley senior opening the door and then shrieking as if she had just seen a celebrity.

Which technically she had.

"You're all here! Oh goodie, it's been so long! Come in, come in," All Woods obediently went inside the home, awkward smiles plastered in each of their faces as Molly quite literally squeezed the air out of them in a hug.

"It's so good to see you all. Zoe you're so grown! And Neo, last I saw you were running around in your diaper after your father attempted to wash you. Oh the good ol' days," Zoe and Neo nodded, forcing a couple of awkward chuckles as Mrs Weasley kept giggling while pinching their cheeks.

Molly Weasley senior was both the best and worst part of any family gathering involving the Weasleys. On one hand she'd make the best food anyone ever had the pleasure of tasting, on the other hand she'd treat every single person under the age of thirty as if they were four-year-olds.

"Well since you're all here, Ginny should be in the kitchen with Fleur, and last I saw Harry he was with Ron chasing around Neville." Both Wood parents nodded along, Oliver's arm gently placed around his wife's waist.

"We'll go say hello." As they both walked away, Oliver turned back around to his children with a look of pure despair that nearly made both of them burst out laughing in the foyer.

"Misses Weasley-"

"Grandma Molly will do just fine, Zoe." Zoe nodded with yet another awkward smile.

"Right. Do you know where Roxie is?"

"I believe she's outside with Lucy." Without a second to hesitate Zoe grabbed on to her brother's wrist.

"Great! Thanks Misses Weasley!" Neither of them stayed behind to hear the correction of how Zoe addressed her.

Instead Zoe sprinted as far as the torture devices known as heels would let her towards the Potter's backyard.

"So now I have to go with you? Seriously?" Zoe shrugged.

"Would you rather stay behind with Grandma Molly?" Neo frantically shook his head, his eyes wide in fear.

"Lead the way."


a/n: Just so y'all know I'm playing Cupid in this book. If I can't get a proper love interest irl everyone gets a partner in my books 😤

Anyways, any predictions of who will end up with who? 😁 (excluding Zoe and James Ofc) comment them and vote just 'cause u can 🤷‍♀️

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