Nightmares Come Before Breakfast, Right?

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The grass below wasn't green, it wasn't the green that covered the fields everyone always had the urge to visit.

It was shades of yellow and brown, it was all dead. Was it dead because it received no nutrients, or because of something else?

The ground wasn't even, there holes everywhere, pebbles kept flying backwards as booted feet stepped on them. The little pluck from their landing barely audible to the human ear.

A bone was digging into her stomach, a collarbone most likely. She could feel the increasing uncomfortableness rise as the pain spread all across her mid section.

Her fingers and face felt numb, as if she had been made by stone. Only a petrifying spell did that to someone.

"Why her? Why not go directly for the others?" The voice, she recognized it, only it carried a different tone. The usual edge that made her skin crawl wasn't there, in fact it sounded more like her little brother when he begged for her to stop telling him ghost stories at night.


"Patience, their time will come eventually." She couldn't help it anymore, everything had started to come back to her senses and all her body had become suddenly sore.

She let out a groan.

The figure carrying her immediately stopped, the wind flew by with her still dangling from their shoulder, the grass below although dead moved in an almost rhythmic pattern.

Before she knew it, she was on the ground, her back aching from the impact, and her cuts bleeding once more from the sharp pebbles before.

The moonlight was glaring down at her, it was a full moon night. Otherwise beautiful if it where not for the fact that she had been kidnapped.

A wand was pointed directly at her face, her eyes hadn't even focused properly and she was already being held at wandpoint.

"Good morning," The moonlight betrayed her in keeping her captor hidden, although she perfectly knew who it was. Though they could never hide the red strands that always failed to fit in the dark cape. "And good night."

And just with the flick of a simple magic stick, she was once again stuck in a limbo of pain that seemed to never end...

A knock made her jump out of her nightmare, but it also brought her out of her bed, which only ended up with her crashing against the floor, and a snort coming across from her door.

"Did you just fall off your bed?" She grabbed whatever her hand came in contact with first, which just happened to be a trophy for the junior quidditch cup first place winner, and she threw it at the door.

The trophy, not only breaking, but also denting her door, and making the other person laugh once again.

"What do you want Neofart?" Neo scoffed beyond the door.

"Don't call me that. And Mum and Dad are looking for you, something about if you don't wake up for breakfast soon you don't get any. And of course me being the excellent brother I am, I just had to come wake up my beloved older sister." Zoe scoffed burying her face in between the sheets tangled across her body.

"I'll be there in a minute, beloved younger brother." Neo's laugh echoed as he slowly left Zoe to get ready for the day.

Zoe's nightmares had been getting worse as time went by, ever since Cedric Potter had decided to kidnap her she'd begun dreaming about their times together.

The talks, the freezing cold that reached her bones, the torture...

It always made her wake up in a cold sweat, and in her worse days she'd wake up screaming her lungs out.

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