September first, the day Hogwarts began once more. Dozens of witches and wizards would take the train from Platform 9 3/4 and begin their magical lessons throughout seven years of arduous study.

But for others, it was the last time they'd be boarding the train, and they were taking well as they could.

"I can't believe you're about to graduate Hogwarts." Zoe rolled her eyes, pushing the trolley further down the muggle packed station.

"Don't remind me, I don't think I'm ready for actually being an adult in the Wizarding World." Her mum shrugged behind her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

It wasn't that Zoe wasn't completely elated to finally not have to listen to some boring professor and spend hours upon hours of her afternoon understanding and reviewing all the different topics she was forced to take.

It was more like she knew what happened outside the secure palace. And let's just say she wasn't looking forward to have to deal with all the paperwork.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, groundhog."

"Zoe! Move those little legs of yours and walk faster already, I want the window seat before Lily gets it!"

"You're one inch taller than me! You're not allowed to make short jokes." Neo stuck his tongue out at Zoe before rushing around with his trolley, avoiding nearly crashing into other muggles.

"Neo! Merlin's sake, you'd think he'd stop chasing muggles around now that he's fifteen." Zoe shrugged, both her and her mum giggling at how Neo kept chasing people around.

Every muggle he nearly crashed into began to yell profanities at Neo before he'd run off and repeat the process. No one knew what he found fun in his little game, but either way, they knew better than to tell him to stop. Which would make him want to do it even more.

Finally the Wood family arrived at the wall between platform nine and ten, both of their kids gripping their respective scissors.

"Rock, paper, scissors for who goes first?" Neo shrugged.

"You can go first, after all it is your last year." Zoe gasped and stared wide-eyed at Neo.

"Are you being nice for once in your life?"

"Don't make me regret it." Zoe ruffled Neo's hair, earning a slap to the hand, before she ran off and straight into the wall.

The tingling feeling that came along with crossing the magical portal into the true Hogwarts Express' stop was so strong Zoe had completely disregarded throughout her years. But seeing as it was possibly the last time she'd feel that until she herself had kids to accompany or decided to go along with Neo.

Either way she could already feel a bad case of senioritis coming her way.

"Don't tell me you're about to cry just because you crossed some border." Zoe scoffed, pushing Neo away from her shoulder so he stumbled back onto his own trolley.

"Neo, leave your sister alone." Zoe stuck her tongue out at a very flabbergasted Neo who looked just about ready to cat fight with her.


"Zoe, don't push Neo." It was Neo's turn to stick his tongue out at his sister with a smug expression while she stared wide-eyed at her parents.

"But-" Sadly Zoe's protest got cut off by the train whistle going off, apparently they had been later than they thought they would.

Blame Neo and his mom for finding each of their respective beds way too comfortable to get up.

Neo was the first to receive a tight hug from both of his parents, along with the usual speech of don't cause trouble unless necessary and try to win the quidditch cup (which was totally not for Oliver to brag to his teammates about).

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now