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Zoe looked around where she stood, she was back at Hogwarts, the corridor leading to the Black Lake to be more precise. Even from where she stood she could see the inky waters, she immediately shuddered and turned away.

"Was Cedric inside the school?" Zoe turned to her right, and there stood James with his wand still tightly clenched in his hands as he looked around.

She only shrugged in response to him.

"I don't put it past him."

"Wait." Both Zoe and James turned behind them to see...well themselves. But they looked younger, and that's how present Zoe realized which memory they were in.

"Oh, bollocks." James turned to see if Zoe was okay but quickly got distracted by his past self pulling out a red rose out of his pocket.

He smiled at the encounter, him realizing as well where they were.

Carefully past James cupped Zoe's cheek and gently stuck the red rose between he strands of her hair. The colour being quite distinctive even in the slightly blurry memory.

Present Zoe absentmindedly touched her cheek as if she could feel James' hand again.

"Since I didn't have the pleasure of giving you the intriguing black rose, I thought I'd give you something more personal." Past Zoe rolled her eyes, though present Zoe knew exactly why she had done it.

"I don't take flowers from just anyone, Potter." Past James smirked, gently taking past Zoe's hand in his own and kissing the top of it, slowly backing away.

"Good, because I don't give flowers to just anyone." Both James spoke simultaneously, each of them staring at their own blushing Zoe.

But unlike what James remembered happened, which was Zoe running off, she instead ran towards him, a new blurriness appearing around their surroundings.

Past Zoe yanked on past James' tie and pulled him down until their lips desperately met in the middle. His arms immediately winding around her body and pulling her close as they kept their lip lock.

"I don't remember this part." Present James was smirking as he looked at present Zoe who kept trying to blend in with her surroundings while blushing in embarrassment.

"Welcome inside my mind." Present James chuckled, his smirk widening at the sight of present Zoe still trying to ignore his gaze.

"You really weren't kidding when you said you'd go on a date with me if I had asked." Present Zoe shrugged.

"I would've." Finally she looked up at him, their eyes meeting.

"Still would." James opened his mouth to reply but got cut off by a nearby classroom door opening, a bright light coming from inside.

Present Zoe grabbed on to James' hand and pulled him through the door.

They were now stood in the Gryffindor common room, the fire crackling behind them being the only noise.

"I think I remember this one too." James' tone was clearly teasing as Zoe slapped him in the arm.

The portrait behind them slowly opened, two figures sneaking in and quietly closing the door behind them.

Past Zoe and past Leslie were both in their pijamas, Leslie's eyes shining with excitement.

"I'll go find Fred and James to drag them down here, I know the dorms better. You stay here and try not to be seen, some Gryffindors still hold a grudge against Slytherins." Past Zoe nodded, the regret clearly visible on her face.

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now