Season 2: Chapter 5- New home part 2: pool party.

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Everyone walked in and gasped at the beauty of the building.

Verosika- This place is better than my penthouse.

?- I would very much hope so, I try my best to keep the place spic and span.

Everyone jumped at the sudden voice, they looked over to watch as a robot with a rustic appearance and blue glowing eyes walked into view.

Everyone jumped at the sudden voice, they looked over to watch as a robot with a rustic appearance and blue glowing eyes walked into view

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?- Terribly sorry if I frightened any of you, I've just been so busy I haven't the time to check the time.

Angel started to walk up threateningly on the robot.

Angel- Hey buddy, I don't know who you think you are you c-3po ripoff, bu-

Everyone backed up as angel snapped his finger back into place.


Daren- "pulled out gun" WHO DO YO-

?- I'm terribly sorry about that, but he was being ever so rude, my name is cogman, Lord lucifer created me hundreds of years ago to manage this house, this used to be his get away home, but he grew out of it and got a better one in lust, as for me, I've kept the place in good order.

He walked up to daren and outstretched his hand.

Daren-.......yeah, fuck that.

Cogman- Shakes hand anyway" oh pish posh, I won't hurt you unless threatened, besides, I can't hurt you, your the owner.

Daren- Well......okay, but no more doing that to my friends.

Cogman- As you wish m'lord, follow me to your room.

Everyone followed him up to the third floor as they reach a double-doored room, inside was a emperor sized bed, along with a huge closet, a huge TV and a connected bathroom.

Blitz- HOLY SHIT..........DIBS.

He went to jump on the bed when loona grabbed him by the tail.

Loona- Oh no you don't, this is darens.

Daren smiled, the looked over to a series of buttons beside the bed.

Daren- Hey cogman, what's that.

Cogman- Ah, a little storage area for your weapons, as well as a gift.

He tapped a button and the middle of the room opened in a circle, out of it rose what looked like podiums for his weapons, along with a brand new one, it was a double-barreled revolver.
It had the lines of angelic weaponry down the sides of it with a pentagram on the hilt.

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