Chapter Eight (Krissy)

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As soon as I woke up, I put on my fuzzy slippers and ran downstairs. I opened my door and found Eliza standing on the other side.

I flung my arms around her in relief. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"It was real..." She whispered.

"Yeah, Liz. It was real. And don't you ever trade yourself for me again! You scared me to death!"

"You're my best friend, Kris. I couldn't let it hurt you."

I shook my head and led her into my house. I immediately made us each a strong cup of coffee. I didn't think either of us wanted to sleep again any time soon.

"It was the weirdest thing," I said. "I was wide awake as usual, but then I had this incredible urge to go to sleep, like something awful would happen if I didn't. I guess I felt Ness calling me in."

"Krissy, I don't know if I was dreaming... At least not in the traditional sense," Eliza replied.

"What do you mean?"

"If I was just dreaming, the men we saw would have heard us and come after us. They didn't. Nothing did until the dremlin showed up, after we left the initial area we were in. The dremlin called me an oracle. What if...?" She took a deep breath. "What if it was a vision?"

"Have you ever had a vision before?" I asked.

She sighed. "I think so," she admitted. "It's usually silly things, like a conversation we have at school or what someone will be wearing, and later that day, it happens... I usually write it off as a coincidence. Sometimes, it's scarier... I saw my grandmother's funeral the night before she died. And..." She paused, unable to look at me.

"And what, Liz? It's okay. You know you can tell me anything."

"Four years ago, I had a dream about a car crash. I saw a man dive into the water and rescue a girl who looked about my age, but her parents didn't make it... And not long after, you and Abby moved in and I recognized you."

I stared at her in shock. "Liz... You saw it?" I finally asked after several moments of shocked silence.

"I'm so sorry, Kris," she replied with tears in her eyes. "I thought it was just a nightmare. I had no idea it was real until I saw you move in. Then I was terrified, because my nightmare had come true, and I didn't understand how it was possible."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I thought you'd be angry... As we talked and you told me when you lost them, I realized I had the dream a day before it happened. I just ignored it and didn't do anything and your parents died, Kris... I thought you'd hate me."

"You were eleven, Liz. And you didn't know me yet. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it." I took her hand and squeezed it. "It's not your fault."

"You aren't mad?"

"Liz, anyone would have been scared in that situation. I never told you someone fished me out of the water and I ended up with hydrokinesis either. Let's make a deal... From now on, we tell each other everything, even the weird stuff that makes us think we might be crazy."

Eliza smiled in relief. "Deal," she agreed.

"So, you're psychic. That's pretty cool, actually," I decided.

"I don't know about that. What's the point of visions if I can't do anything to help?"

"You weren't meant to save them, Liz," I said sadly. "Our destiny is to be part of Iridescence, right? I wouldn't have moved here and met you all if my parents hadn't died. It was meant to happen this way."

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