16 : the return of the witch

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{ chapter 16 : the return of the witch }

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{ chapter 16 : the return of the witch }


Losing against the telmarine soldiers was hard but the fact that their army had been slaughtered when it could have been avoided was even harder. The Pevensie children were all sat around the fortress separately as none of them wanted to talk to the other in that moment, each blaming the other for something that had happened. Lucy still wasn't too sure exactly what had happened at the castle but knew that it was something bad if none of her siblings would talk to each other.

Zarina moved through the room, her clothes now darker than usual as she mourned for the soldiers that they had lost in battle; usually she would wear bright yellow dresses, but she was now sporting a maroon-coloured dress and her usual smile was replaced by a deep frown. She took a seat beside Susan, both of them sitting in silence and staring at the floor until the blonde broke the silence.

"Do you think we could have saved them? Could we have done anything differently?"

Susan shook her head and replied softly. "I think we were doomed whatever strategy we took; we weren't ready for that kind of battle, and we shouldn't have gone. If we had taken some more time to train together, to think about the plan then maybe things would be different, but we'll never know."

"Do you really think it was Peter's fault?" Zarina asked quietly, scared for the answer.

"I don't think there's ever only one person to blame...have you seen Caspian anywhere?"

Realising that it had been a while since any of them had seen Caspian, they asked some of the others and no one seemed to recall where the prince had gone. The siblings rushed towards the room where the cracked stone table lay and sure enough, they found the prince but what was more worrying was who else was inside the room.

Zarina felt her breath halter when she saw the familiar outline of the White Witch, hidden behind a thick shard of ice but was brought back to reality at the sound of swords clashing. "Stop!" Peter yelled as he began fighting a cloaked woman with the beak of a bird and Edmund climbed over the rocks to get to a cloaked wolf.

Knowing that she needed to take part in this intervention, the blonde princess sprinted through the fights and got to Caspian, attempting to pull him away from the ice but his heels were almost planted in the ground as he stared up in awe of the woman. His hand was cut deeply and there was blood trickling down his arm, the White Witch was pushing her own hand out of the ice as she desperately tried to escape imprisonment.

"Don't touch him!" Zarina yelled, frustrated that Caspian would not move as she continued to try pushing him away but even her lioness strength was not making a difference.

Lucy had arrived at the opening of the cave, spotting Trumpkin failing to beat Nikabrik, who seemed to have turned to the dark side. She held out her knife and attempted to fight but the dwarf was talented and twisted her arm until it cracked, raising his own dagger to stab her but froze when a different dagger was placed into his own back. The evil dwarf dropped to the ground as Trumpkin grabbed onto Lucy and checked that she was okay, apart from the twisted arm, she seemed to be fine.

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