8 : victory

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{ chapter 8 : victory }

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{ chapter 8 : victory }


The children watched anxiously as the witch's army made their way across the field, a lot more of them than what they had in the Narnian army. The White Witch stood on an icy cart which was pulled by large snarling polar bears. She seemed even more menacing than when she had come to the camp, probably because she believed to have the upper hand - she had killed Aslan.

Trying not to look scared, Peter pulled out his sword and held it into the air. The horn of the army was blown loudly and the soldiers cheered in support for Narnia whereas the witches army roars and begins running towards them. Following their plan, the Narnians stayed stoic because they wanted to tire the others out before resorting to fighting.

Copying their king, Edmund held up his sword with the archers and Zarina sat comfortably on her horse beside the blonde, her sword in the air. She trusted his choice and knew that they were doing their best for their people, fighting on the frontline with their people.

Waiting until the army had crossed a certain point, they drop their swords together and release an army in the sky who drop large boulders onto the enemy. Some of the flyers get shot down from the sky but others make it away and re-join the fight, ready for the next stage.

"Are you with me?" Peter asked nervously, not sure what he would do if they weren't at his side.

"To the death." Orieus stated firmly, not a hint of regret as he would die for the king.

"How about you, Zarina?"

She glanced to her side where the blonde boy waited for her honest answer and she nodded certainly. "Always."

Raising his sword once again, Peter made his voice much louder so that the others could hear him. "For Narnia and for Aslan!"

He wanted Zarina to know that her father's sacrifice was not for nothing and they would fight in his honour that day. His horse neighs loudly as they start charging towards the enemy, yelling loudly towards the field as animals run at their feet and are first to attack. Peter and Zarina entered the fight together, swinging their swords just as they had been taught and were making a good team.

As she was plunging her sword through the crowd of enemies, she felt something fiery in her stomach. It was an unusual feeling, as though light would burst straight from under her armour and it could only mean one thing: her father was alive. She no longer felt worried or depressed, she felt as though he was back and he was on the battlefield with her.

Peter signalled up to the rocks where Edmund was waiting and on cue, sent across brining arrows onto the field which created a barrier for the army. The Narnians cheer at the strategy, glad that the enemy had been held back for longer and Peter removed his helmet to see their work better. However, it doesn't last long as the witch easily puts out the fires with her powers and continued racing across the field.

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