1 : the wardrobe

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{ chapter 1 : the wardrobe }

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{ chapter 1 : the wardrobe }


Zarina had been living with the professor for many months now, she had been accustomed to how the house worked and understood how to blend in as she was supposed to. Her father had told her about the different realms but had never told her how to be a normal girl; it felt strange to not be able to shift into her usual form in this world but it was something she had to get used to.

Mrs Macready was in charge of her education, teaching her everything that happened in England so that she would fit in with rest of society. It was strange to be learning maths and science instead of training with the soldiers but in this world, children couldn't fight wars. There was a war going on though and the cities were being evacuated with children flooding into the countryside to keep safe.

She had been informed that there were children coming to stay with them and as nervous as she was to have to fit in with them without any suspicion; she was always ready to meet new people. Mrs Macready had to calm her down several times, reminding her that she had to be convincing as a child and not scare them away.

Despite the warnings, Zarina felt as though she was floating on cloud nine when the lady left the house to bring the children back. She couldn't wait to play with them and learn all about their world, they surely knew more than the two elderly people that she had been living with for months.

It wasn't too far to the train station and Zarina sat in her bedroom, staring out of her window as she waited for the sound of hooves to reappear outside the house. When the cart came into view, she was surprised to see four children sitting inside; staring in awe at the large property. She hadn't been expecting four, this just meant more friends to make in this strange new world.

The four Pevensie siblings had been evacuated from their home when the bombing began; they had to leave their home and their mother behind to start a new life in the countryside and none of them were excited about it.

Peter was the oldest, taking responsibility of his siblings and barely having the time to have fun anymore. He took his role very seriously and it had been a long time since he had properly laughed; always wanting to remain studious rather than humorous.

Then there was Susan, she was the gentle one with a kind nature; she was the one that kept them calm and attempted to keep the peace. But there were times when she would lose her temper, especially when she was told that she wasn't right, she hated being wrong.

Edmund was the troublemaker. He liked to push everyone's buttons and enjoyed causing mischief. The problem was that his pranks usually came at the wrong time and he couldn't tell the difference between a time to have fun and a time to be serious, he had no balance.

The youngest sibling was Lucy, the dreamer, the one who was truly still a child with her innocence and her love of stories. She didn't understand the war, she just wanted to play and spend time with her older siblings; preferably playing games. She was nervous about this big house and worried that she'd get lost if she wasn't careful.

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