4 : wolf hunt

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{ chapter 4 : wolf hunt }

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{ chapter 4 : wolf hunt }


Mr Beaver soon reached an opening in the woods where there was a large den built just below the surface. There was smoke coming from one of the open trunks covered in moss and large sticks, Zarina felt like she was home because this was what she remembered about Narnia; spending most of her childhood underground due to the war.

"Blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on, nice cup of Rosy Lee."

"It's lovely." Lucy complimented, her own eyes lighting up as she saw what the beavers had produced for their home.

"It's merely a trifle, you know. Still plenty to do, ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when it is though."

He led them towards the opening of the home, the snow covering his paws as he shook them off.

"Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I...oh...well, those aren't badgers." Mrs Beaver stuttered, her eyes widening when she realised who was standing outside her home. "Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day. The four of them and...oh, you must be Zarina!" She bowed her head to the blonde girl, earning confused glances from the siblings who still couldn't get over the fact that their friend was royalty. "It's a pleasure, your majesty...Look at my fur, you couldn't give me ten minutes warning?"

"I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped." Mr Beaver joked and they all chuckled slightly, glad that these friends seemed nice with good intentions.

"Oh, come inside and we'll see if we can't get you some food and some civilised company."

"Now careful, watch your step."

"Excuse the mess." Mrs Beaver muttered as she rushed ahead of the children to move the clutter away from the main room; not wanting them to see how unorganised they were.

"After you, your majesty." Susan taunted, bowing her head to the blonde that had become her friend since living with the professor.

Zarina rolled her eyes at the sentiment, knowing that it would take a while for them to move on from this information as she lowered herself to enter the den. "Oh, shut up."

The others were close behind her but Edmund stopped, hesitating to enter as his eyes glanced over to the large mountains. Mr Beaver noticed this, already finding the boys behaviour confusing and suspecting that there was something that he was hiding from the others.

"Enjoying the scenery, are we?"

The inside of the den was homely and warmly lit, with a small kitchen and a table which was lit with candles, covered in all sorts of food that Mrs Beaver had quickly prepared to satisfy their hunger. The children were awkwardly poised as they were too big for the table and chairs but crossed their legs and didn't say a word to upset the animals. They were grateful for the hospitality and needed as much help as possible because they had no idea what they were doing in Narnia.

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