15 : night terrors

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{ chapter 15 : night terrors }

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{ chapter 15 : night terrors }


Listening to the plan that Peter had made, the Narnians agreed that it was better to start the attack and have the advantage than to wait for the telmarine soldiers to trap them inside the fortress. They had numbers and they had weapons, it was the smart choice to make and so they made it. Zarina and Edmund had already travelled on horseback through the forest to check the surroundings of the castle, making sure that they had enough hiding spots and viewing positions to take over Telmarine home.

They waited until nightfall for the plan to move into place, Edmund took the first role and flew on the back of a griffin, being dropped onto one of the towers so that he could view the courtyard below and keep everyone updated on his findings. He took out the guard at the tower and took his position, flashing his torch to signal to the others that it was safe to fly down too. The next to be dropped into the grounds were Caspian, Peter, Susan and Zarina, who were dropped on one of the viewing platforms and took out the guards that were lined there.

Reepicheep led his army of mice into the courtyard, slipping through the holes of the gate so that they could slip inside without being noticed. Their job was to guard the gate tower until the time came to open the gate and allow the other Narnian soldiers into the castle, their soldiers waited in the forest for the signal from Edmund because it wasn't safe for them to arrive yet.

Caspian rushed across the top of the castle, knowing his way around better than the others because this had been his home since he was born and knew shortcuts that would get them to where they needed to be. He stopped outside an open window, gesturing to Peter so that the others would follow and then pulled himself inside; he hoped to find the professor straight away, but the room was in darkness and seemed to have been left for several days.


The desk had been ruined as books were scattered all over the floor and pages had been disregarded all over the place, Caspian knelt down to examine a pair of chipped reading glasses that belonged to the professor which made him worry even more that something bad had happened. Susan helped to pull Zarina and Trumpkin into the study, then they all turned to the prince who seemed to be wrapped up in something bigger than the attack on the castle.

"I have to find him." Caspian muttered, putting the glasses back onto the desk.

Peter shook his head in disbelief because he couldn't believe that Caspian was going to go against the plan when they needed everything to stick to what was agreed. "You don't have time; you need to get the gate open."

"You wouldn't be here without him, and neither would I."

"We can deal with Miraz." Susan nodded, turning back to the others where both Zarina and Trumpkin agreed that it could be handled without Caspian's involvement.

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