14 : aslan

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{ chapter 14 : aslan }

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{ chapter 14 : aslan }


Now that the children had been introduced to the army of Narnians in the forest, it was time to meet back with the others that were hiding in some kind of fortress. Prince Caspian walked ahead of the Pevensie children, sensing that they were not enjoying his presence and didn't trust him yet. Zarina could tell that there was an awkwardness and increased her pace so that she walked beside him, rather than next to Peter, who watched her carefully, wondering what she wanted to talk to Caspian about.

"How far is it?" She asked curiously, not wanting to dive into a deep conversation with a stranger.

"Not too far, I know that you have come a long way and need to rest, we will get there soon enough."

Shaking her head quickly, she feared that he misunderstood the question. "I am not tired, your highness, I am more worried for your troops as it cannot be safe for them to wander far from shelter. The telmarine soldiers would not be happy if they caught a Narnian, it's dangerous."

"I forget that you possess different forms, princess." Caspian explained, being used to the blonde as she was rather than the lioness that was contained inside her.

"I've been taught to control my power and I am grateful for the gifts that I have been blessed with as it allows me to spend more time with the people that I love."

"Them?" He asked softly, gesturing to the four siblings that were just behind them, talking amongst themselves except for Peter, who was trying to listen to their conversation.

Zarina smiled as she thought about the memories that they had made together. "Yes, and my family back in London; the professor ensured that I would always have a home when I was away from Narnia."

"I find it hard to believe that they can be so loving, they seem cold and distant."

"They are just apprehensive about strangers." She attempted to calm his nerves, hoping that her words would be helpful.

"Were they hesitant with you?"

"No...but we were not in Narnia when we met, in fact, they had no idea that this world existed." Zarina wrung her hands in front of her and tried to smile at the prince, but he seemed more nervous than she was, just because of the siblings behind them. "Just give it time and know that eventually they will give their trust to you."

"I believe that king Peter will never trust me, that's why he hasn't stopped staring at us the entire time."

Looking back over her shoulder, Zarina saw as Peter averted his eyes somewhere else and she was shocked, she hadn't realised that they were being watched but Caspian had known the whole time. "How did you do that? You didn't even look behind you!"

"I have read the stories, princess, I know that Peter is more protective of you than anything else and therefore, he would never let us be alone together."

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