[Panic] Freddy x reader

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@writesawfulfanfics requested:
I have a request and I love your story, so like what if the reader is having an anxiety or panic attack and Freddy comforts them

a/n: I've been close to having a panic attack, but I've never actually got one, so I'm sorry if this is inaccurate, I'm doing as much research as I can

[angst to fluff]

You thought you were better.

After eight months of therapy and going to the doctors to get medication. You hadn't had a panic attack for four whole months, it felt great. It felt like, you were finally moving on with life.

But you were wrong.

And it happened in the most simple way too.

You were invited to a party, a birthday party to be exact. Lily, the richest girl in school was throwing it, and everyone was invited. So, you decided to go with Freddy.

Freddy is your boyfriend, so of course you wanted to go together as a couple. You two had started dating exactly three months ago, and it was going wonderfully. Freddy was a real man to you, a true gentleman. That might be an exaggeration, especially since you two are still young, but you meant it. You meant it with all of your being.

Even though you two were a power couple, and you felt safe around him, you didn't tell him about the panic attacks. You told him you used to have really bad anxiety, but you didn't tell him the details.

"Y/n?" You hummed, looking beside you to see Freddy. The only light was the street lights that would zoom by through the car window, silhouetting Freddy and his fluffy hair every now and again.

You couldn't see him, but you smiled. "You alright
Y/n? You've been.. quiet." Freddy stated. "Yeah, just, thinking." You explained. You weren't even sure why the thoughts of your panic attacks came, but it was probably because you were going out to socialize.

You took a deep breath, you'll be fine.

"About what?" He questioned, leaning a bit closer to you. "About how handsome you look." You giggled. Freddy decided to get a haircut, trimming his hair a bit. He wore a normal shirt without any superhero logo, which was weird to see, he wore a white shirt with a jean jacket on top.

He blushed, chuckling slightly. "I look like a Malibu boy." Freddy joked. You gasped dramatically. "Damn Freddy, now I can't unsee it!" You exclaimed,
making him roll his eyes. You giggled, kissing his cheek. "I'm only joking, you look nice." You reassured. He sighed. "And you look stunning, like usual." It was your turn to blush, and you giggled softly.

"You're too good Freeman."

"No, you're better—"

"Guys!" Billy groaned in the front seat. "I get it, you guys love each other. Wait until we get out of the car though." He said.

"Oh don't listen to him, you two are adorable." Mary said, taking a turn down a rich neighborhood.

"Just wait until you get a girlfriend. Maybe that sour attitude will diminish." You said. "Oh whatever.." Billy sighed.

Mary pulled up in front of a house, the door was wide open as a couple kids made out outside. You gulped, quickly out of the car, it was starting to feel claustrophobic in there. Once you felt the night air on your face, you calmed down a bit.

"Okay, you ready Y/n?" Freddy asked, getting out next to you. Billy was on the other side of you, and he immediately went inside.

"Yeah.." you sighed. "Hey, you sure you're okay?" Freddy asked again. "Of course. I'm fine." You reassured, grabbing ahold of his hand. He smiled, squeezing your hand a little as you two walked to the house.

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