Epilogue I

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"You're such an idiot, Marston."

John side-eyes Arthur through the bandage over his face, only responding with a huff through his nose promptly returning his gaze to the ceiling of his room. Ada smirks, standing in the door beside Arthur who's looking at John with a pitiful yet exasperated expression, one that she suspects has been honed with the years he's had the man as his younger brother.

"And," he continues, "you've got the stupidest luck of anyone I've ever met. It's a damn good job I was there, otherwise you'd be a wolf's dinner by now."

"Jesus Arthur," John scoffs, managing to convey his annoyance despite the weakness of his form following the attack while the two were out hunting, "just shut up already. I actually wish you'd have just left me there, you're giving me more of a headache than any stupid hungry wolf could."

"You outta learn how to be thankful. Thankful I'm always there to save your useless ass when you need it."

John huffs again, visibly willing himself to remain calm since he's hardly in a state to forcibly shut Arthur up.

"At least you look a little tougher now," Ada finishes the last of her biscuit, "and you managed to keep both your eyes."

"Again," Arthur turns to leave, "stupid luck."

Ada lends John an apologetic smile which he ignores, before following Arthur out and down the wide stairs of the house and out of the front door. The land opens up before them, various areas fenced off for livestock or crops, stations for woodworking, a couple of barns, and a big stable for all the horses coming into view, all populated with their family members. While the air is hot, its freshness is one Ada is always happy to step into.

"Hey Arthur, Ada," Hosea greets them as they step foot on the porch, seated at the bench with his leg resting on a crate and one of his favourite novels in hand.

"You're looking well," Ada remarks, noticing the brightness of his eyes and considerable reduction in coughs that've broken his sentences as of late.

"I'm feeling well," he smiles, his face the perfect picture of relaxation, "almost half a year in this place and I feel ten years younger."

"Yeah well, you still move like an old man," Arthur teases, crossing his arms over his chest.

"If that's the case Arthur," Hosea reaches under the bench for a repeater and checks the ammo before aiming it just over Arthur's shoulder, "why don't I give you a head start and we'll see just how slow I am?"

Arthur pushes air through his teeth with an eye roll. "Just as cranky as an old man, too."

Hosea hums contently, placing the gun back where he found it, "respect your elder's son, and don't underestimate them or they just might shoot you when you're not looking." Despite his aggressive words, his tone is filled with only affection and mirth for the man who nods at Ada to follow him down the steps and escape the lecture.

The two don't get far without Charles intercepting them, a few logs tucked under his arm and sweat coating his brow. "There you are," he plants a swift kiss on Arthur's cheek and the blush on the recipient's neck still burns like it did the first time the pair carried out any public displays of affection. Even though it warms Ada's heart to see the fondness they share, she makes a mental note to tease Arthur later on.

"Were you looking for us?" he asks, clearing his throat and trying to limit his response though Charles is no fool to it.

"No, but," Charles cranes his neck round and points to the wagons by the main path that leads to the gate, "Dutch was."

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