Chapter 33

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A/N: just wanted to mention that Ada's appearance is purposefully ambiguous (I hope) so pls imagine her to look however you'd like. also, i know I've been sucking at replying to comments recently but i do read them all and appreciate them very much <3

"Thanks," Ada takes a cigarette from the pack held out by Dutch and places it between her teeth. He lights it and then his own as she lies back and pulls the blanket over herself.

"Thought you'd be asleep by now," he adjusts part of the blanket to cover himself too and rests his head on his arm, lying back beside her so their sides are touching.

"Soon, probably. Don't wait up for me."

He shrugs indifferently, blowing smoke up to the ceiling of the tent.

Ada's entire body feels as though it's been liquified, her praying the promise of sleep she can feel approaching isn't false – otherwise, there's a slim chance of recovery by the morning. The slight rise and fall of Dutch's chest beside her soothes her breathing into the same rhythm, enabling the bizarre calming aura he often provides. The air reeks of sex and tobacco, nicely accompanying their post-coital smoke. Her eyelids start to feel heavy when Dutch makes conversation.

"Is Ada your full name?"

She manages a short shake of her head. "It's actually Adaline, but nobody ever calls me that."

"Nobody?" he echoes and Ada hums in confirmation. "Adaline," he repeats, as though sampling the taste of the name on his tongue. "I like it."

"Hm. How about Dutch? Is it short for anything?" Ada half-teases, she's never met anyone with his name before.

"Daniel," he yawns.

Ada chuckles then looks at his expression which isn't a humorous one and she realises he's being completely serious. "I don't think you understand how nicknames work."

Dutch keeps his gaze on the ceiling of the tent and snorts. "Daniel was my given name, I changed it."


"I just prefer it," he states, squashing any further line of questioning.

She nods, not possessing enough energy to unpack why even his name is something he has to have control over. The more time she spends with him, the more she believes she doesn't even have a control issue of her own. Compared to him, her necessary hold on her life is infinitesimal.

Dutch sits up to open the tent slightly and throws the end of his cigarette out, turning back to Ada and holding his hand out to her. "Finished?"

She nods, taking a last drag and placing it in his hand. He throws it out, turning back to look at her and sighs as he observes her relaxed form. "What?" she asks.

He lays back down and pulls her into his torso, resting his head on top of hers.

"You don't have to," she mumbles. While his affliction for showing her any affection is something she would like to change, it's void of meaning if it's not something he does willingly.

"For once in your life," he sighs, "just be quiet."

She listens, and with his fingertips slowly tracing the middle of her spine she decides against retorting and lets her eyes fall shut while her body relaxes into his.

It's no surprise to Ada when she opens her eyes in the morning, she's greeted with an empty spot next to her. Curling into herself and pulling the blanket up to her chin she curses him internally for being so obtuse. Whatever small rustle of sound she makes in the tent is loud enough to reach Dutch's ears, and he calls to her from outside.

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