Chapter 52

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For the first time, life has been easy.

And not in the sense that every day has had minimal stress and issues, but in the sense that Ada is no longer scared of either of those things. The ability to wake up every morning and not have to mentally step through the day before it's even begun, to constantly be on guard for anything that could go wrong, and to not have to put on a façade and still end the day laying down with anxious thoughts.

She doesn't worry, because she doesn't care. Dutch's fearlessness has rubbed off on her, despite his own tendency to overthink, and she knows that whatever happens, she'll end the day wrapped up in his arms. It's impossible to have a bad day with the knowledge that that's what awaits at the end of it.

Ada stretches her toes, testing her body's compliance with movement but soon pulls herself into the warmth of Dutch when she registers the cold chill in the air. His chest vibrates with a soft laugh.

"It's cold today," she grumbles, clearing her throat once she's heard her own morning rasp in her ears.

Even if she couldn't physically be any closer to him, Dutch pulls her further into himself and holds his hand to the back of her head before stroking her hair. "That it is."

She peaks an eye open, but soon closes it at the brightness of the outside world. "What time is it?"

Dutch shifts slightly, likely craning his neck to get a look at his nearby pocket watch. "Almost lunchtime."

"Lunchtime?" she parrots, looking up at him in disbelief and he nods amusedly. "Why aren't you up already?"

"Didn't want to wake you." He looks lovingly into her eyes and brushes the fallen strands from her face.

"I sleep fine now Van der Linde," she scoffs, "arguably better than you do, at least." Ada lazily unbuttons the top of his union suit to fit her hand inside so she can run her fingertips through his chest hairs, and he hums at her soft affections. She smirks to herself at his hardening length on her thigh that's slotted between his legs. She shifts to brush against him.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing," he croons, but lets her know he has no problem with it by sliding his hand out of her hair and down her form.

She hums, both in satisfaction and merriment, leaning in to kiss at his exposed skin. It isn't long before her body is on top of his and her soft kisses have evolved into lingering sucks on his neck. The cold air isn't so harsh now that she's flushed, and she slowly rotates her hips over his hardening length.

Dutch sighs in response and she pulls her lips from his neck to attach them to his own, not before stealing a glance at his lust-filled expression. He wraps his arms around her middle, making it more difficult to manoeuvre her hips but adding a delightful pressure in just the right spot.

Ada's mind is hazy, so much so that she could arguably fall back asleep. Then, the sound of John's voice outside the tent is like nails dragging over a blackboard, sharp against the softness that resides in the couple's small personal sanctuary.

"Hey Dutch," he calls. "I know you're in love and everything but you've still got a gang to run out here."

Terminating her kisses, Ada groans and narrows her brow at Dutch who just smirks.

"Later?" He brushes his knuckles over her cheek.


She pulls herself off him, allowing him room to get up and she flops onto the cot to sulk when he does so.

"I'm gonna kill him," she huffs into the pillow.

"Get in line."

Ada lies on her side so she can at least watch Dutch as he gets dressed, and he rolls his eyes at hers which wander down his body. He kisses his fingertips and presses them to her cheek before departing the tent.

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