Chapter 59

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A/N: alright kids, this is a big one - the penultimate chapter! there will be a three-part epilogue so the journey isn't quite over yet <3

Despite her night terrors, something calm came over Ada when she awoke the following morning. It wasn't a peaceful calm, but more of a dull calm.

The sort of calm one feels right before a storm.

She'd managed to get back to sleep, thanks to the large arms of her lover who held her until she had no choice but to fall into a slumber and who continued to spend the morning checking up on her every five minutes. Dutch had allowed her to switch with Sean for guard duty, her claim being that she wanted to focus her mind on something and have a bit of peace away from socialising. He'd been sceptical until she mentioned it to Sean who proceeded to bug Dutch so he'd agree and give Sean the day off. As the young Irishman's yapping always does, it made Dutch give in just so he could have a bit of quiet.

After guard duty, Ada busied herself with taking Jack to the lake and splashing with Copper in the cool water. A toddler was easily the best thing to focus on, his curiosity and excitement for the most mundane of things not allowing Ada's mind to think about anything else. Once it was time for his nap, she tended to Altair and gave him a thorough brushing and cleaned out his hooves.

When the evening came around, Ada's gurgling stomach and now empty list of activities to do on the outskirts of camp convinced her to make her way back in, beelining for the stew.

The strange calm was still prevalent; a feeling she couldn't quite shake.

"Feeling any better?" asks Dutch, seating himself beside her on their cot with his own bowl of stew since his love had decided to eat alone on that day, instead of at the table where she would usually chat and laugh with anyone and everyone.

"A little," she swallows down a mouthful. "Got myself a bit of a headache, but nothing too bad."

Dutch kisses her head for good measure, asking "better?" and she rolls her eyes at his cheesy affection, but his proud smirk only melts her heart.

"You're an idiot," she grumbles lovingly, sipping the broth from her spoon.

He chuckles and tends to his own meal. "Are you having another early night?"

"I'm not that tired yet," Ada sighs. "Suppose I should sit out for a bit, have a drink or two."

"Well don't sound too excited. It'll do you some good, take your mind off of everything instead of being consumed by those thoughts of yours."

"You're one to talk," she scoffs, all too aware of Dutch's habit of free-falling into the recess of his mind and needing her to help pull him back to the land of the living.

"True, I'd say we're quite the pair," he hums with pride.

Once the two have finished eating, Ada sits at the campfire as Dutch goes to check on Micah. The absence of both of them allows room for truthful discussion to stir up between the members of the gang. It makes Ada feel better that she isn't the only one to get an odd feeling around the man.

"I suppose," she starts, leaning her forearms on her thighs, "he could just be the type that takes some getting used to."

"Like you, you mean?" Arthur teases and she shoves his arm in response.

"You annoy me," she huffs. "I wasn't that bad." Arthur only raises his brows and she pointedly ignores his gaze. "I'm not letting you rile me up. Charles, what do you think?"

"Of him or you?"

Ada opens her mouth but promptly shuts it, and decides she'd rather not know if Charles has a negative opinion of her. "Of him," she clarifies.

Lovers Not Without Sin | Dutch van der Linde x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin