Chapter 51

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"Need any assistance in there?"

Ada attempts to keep her voice low and to some extent sultry, as she knocks against the hard wood of the door separating her from the baths. She managed to convince Dutch to rent a room as well as a bath for himself and told him she'd wait in there for him while he had a soak. However, the idea of naked Dutch enveloped in the warmth of sudsy water is a far too appealing sight to miss out on.

"Only if you're okay with my woman murdering you once you're finished," he says from behind the door.

She snorts before opening the door and slipping in, then closing it gently behind herself. She was right, the sight before her is one she makes a point of committing to memory.

Dutch is relaxed back, head and arms resting on the frame of the bath. The steam has caused his curls to tighten, not yet washed but pushed back away from his face that's slightly flushed with the heat. His dark eyelashes hold tiny droplets of water from his recent face wash, one that doesn't seem to have been all that thorough given the remnants of dried blood still providing evidence of his recent disagreement at the saloon. A smirk resides over his content expression.

"I didn't know you'd found new employment."

Ada walks over leisurely and leans on the side of the bath. "Said I'd give the girl on shift double her rate if she let me take over on this one."

"How much you give her?"

"Dollar fifty."

"It only costs fifty cents."

Ada drops her arms and looks back towards the door. "Bitch scammed me. How do you know that, anyway?" she asks as she moves to be beside his head, flicking his ear once she reaches him.

"Past experience," Dutch replies coolly, making sure to emphasise the word 'past'.

"Anyway, it's no matter; you can pay me instead," Ada hums before rolling up her sleeves.

"And how much do you cost?"

"Oh Mr Van der Linde, I don't come cheap," she leans down to say in his ear, finding amusement at his legs shifting in the water.

He chuckles and his eyes follow her as she pulls a stool beside the bath to sit next to him. "I wouldn't expect any less."

Armed with a cloth, Ada soaks it in the water and firstly tends to the cuts on his face and the dried blood on the left side of his hairline. Once finished, she drags it down his neck in slow strokes and he extends his chin up and flutters his eyes closed. She rings the rag out and makes a start on his shoulders, and proceeds to let Dutch relax as she cleans the rest of his upper body.

"Shaving, bathing..." Ada muses as she stands and moves to the end of the bath, "who'd have thought big bad Dutch van der Linde would be so partial to a pampering?"

He cranks an eye open at her before giving her a daring look.

"You can't get me from in there," she counters cockily, leaning on the end of the bath. He appears to be too relaxed to let her rile him up and instead continues to observe her as she wipes the cloth over his legs.

"Say miss," Dutch asks in a tone that makes him sound drunker than he is, "don't you offer any special services?"

Ada presses her lips together at the raise of his eyebrow and darts her gaze down to the bath, watching her fingertips as they run up the inside of his inner thigh. "You're telling me I could've been making money from fucking you?"

A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, and at his display of coolness Ada allows her contact to extend to his balls and an involuntary moan breaks his façade. She massages them gently and watches him take a particularly long breath as she sits down on the stool again. Only once his head has rested back and his eyes have fallen shut does she move her hand to his cock and begin stroking him. Seeing Dutch fall apart is almost too much a sight to bear, and she crosses her legs to resist any temptation to touch herself. Mindlessly, his hand finds its way to her shirt and he begins the job of unbuttoning it.

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