Chapter 26

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A/N: I'm so overwhelmed with the response to this fic, nothing brings me more joy than reading all of your comments so thank you SO much for all the support – I can't put into words how grateful I am for anyone that reads it, let alone enjoys it <3

The afternoon has rolled around by the time Ada opens her eyes. She's still on the wagon, laid across the seats with the same blanket over her. The camp ahead of her is almost all set up, a few members still working on it while others appear to be taking a break by the fire.

It takes a moment for her to remember the hand that was between her legs when she was last awake. What on Earth was I thinking?

She'll admit, what he did wrong in the first place feels like a long time ago now. She would also prefer to be on good terms with him despite it all, even if just for the sake of the others. When he asked her to ride with him to the new camp, she thought they'd talk it out and she was willing to put it behind her; turns out, she was willing for a lot more than just talking.

Once again, her head is scrambled. He's so hot and cold, and she can't figure out what he wants, which doesn't surprise her considering she can't figure out what she wants either. The man grates on her more than anyone but this is the second time he's managed to wrap her around his finger, this time in a literal as well as figurative sense.

It's no secret Dutch loves women; she knows better than to read into it especially after him explicitly telling her he has no desire to pursue her. She's not mad at him this time, she was putty in his hands the moment his arm pulled her in and she felt his warmth seep over to her. Once again, she gave it up all too easily but it's almost like she can't help it; seemingly losing all ability to formulate rational thoughts when he's touching her with those hands.

She groans and hoists herself down from the wagon before making her way to the campfire.

"I see sleeping beauty is finally awake!" Sean calls to her as she walks over. She rolls her eyes and pours out a cup of coffee.

"We were all working our asses off while you just dozed off in the wagon," Bill grunts.

"I'm sorry," she raises her hands in surrender, "you should've woken me up, I'd have helped."

"We would've, it was damn Dutch who said not to," John scoffs and gestures to the man sitting opposite him, who returns the statement with a glance as though he didn't want that information divulged.

"Well," he leans back in his chair, "Miss Ada managed to exhaust herself, she'd have been no use without any rest." The knowing smirk on his face makes her clench her jaw in embarrassment, she'd half-wondered if the whole thing had been some weird dream... or nightmare. She hasn't decided which.

She turns her attention to anyone but him. "Anything else that needs doing?"

"All being taken care of," Dutch answers before anyone else can and she continues to avoid his gaze, sitting on the log beside John.

They continue to chat, drink coffee, and smoke while her eyes wander camp. The layout is almost the same as last time, they've even picked a spot by a lake.

"Do you always camp by lakes or rivers?" she asks nobody in particular.

"Dutch's orders, again," John grumbles and Ada remembers his affliction for water.

"Oh yeah," she chuckles. "You sweating John?"

He glares at her, then looks down at her coffee. After an extended pause, he pushes it out of her hands and it spills on the ground.

"That's just childish," she mumbles with a smirk, picking up the cup to refill it.

"Also a waste of good coffee," Arthur adds and she raises her brows in agreement.

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