Chapter 17

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When the other ship makes contact with the Argo II, you nearly fell off but Leo grabbed you and pulled you back to safety. Festus blew fire, sending dozens of surprised warriors screaming and diving into the sea, but more swarmed aboard the ship. Grappling lines wrapped around the mast and the rails, digging iron claws into the hull.

By the time you could see straight, the warriors were everywhere. You looked around to see what the enemy was, but somehow your glasses were swatted off your face. You squinted your eyes and made out a few details about the humanlike dolphins, or dolphinlike humans. Some had flippers and struggled to hold their swords, and others had grey or blueish snouts.

Coach Hedge emerged from below and raced for the nearest ballista, but went down under a like of chattering dolphin warriors.

You and Leo stood back-to-back, fending off the nearest dolphin men. You whipped your bow out and were shooting the warriors, while Leo was blasting them with fire. Occasionally your arrow would catch fire, marking an even better weapon.

Percy and Annabeth rushed out to. Percy tried to summon the waves, but nothing happened.

He raised Riptide, ready to fight, but him and Annabeth were hopelessly outnumbered. Several dozen warriors lowered their spears and made a ring around them.

You and Leo were bombarded by dolphin warriors and one hit Leo upside the head and dragged him across the deck, half-conscious and groaning, and dumped in a like of ropes.

Below you could hear sounds of fighting, until they tapered off. Either the others had been subdued or...... or you refused to think about it.

A warrior lunged at you with a spear but you quickly shot it. You keep fending off them until a man, appearing fully human, got onto the Argo II. The dolphins moved from his path, clearly fearing him. He was obviously the leader. He was dressed in Greek combat armor--sandals, kilt, and greaves, a brestplate decorated with elaborate sea monster designs--and every thing he wore was gold. Even his sword, a Greek blade like Percy's, was gold instead of bronze.

He didn't look all that intimidating, except his helmet. His visor was a full face mask fashioned like a gorgon's head--curved tusks, horrible features pinched into a snarl and golden snake hair curling around his face.

He looked familiar, maybe he was in a Greek myth. That was when you realized who he was.

"Chrysaor, son of Medusa, and Poseidon. Brother of Pegasus." You say fireing off arrows and killing the dolphin men.

Chrysaor approaches you and you load your bow and point it at his chest. You feel a sharp pain and turn to see a dolphin warrior with his spear next to your back. Your deactivate you bow a slide it in your pocket. You look at his surprised face but slowly changes to victory.

"Yes you were the first known user of an Imperial Gold weapon;You call it enchanted gold." You say as one of the warriors tie you to the mast.

"Smart one you are but sadly I'm here for Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. I will just sell you to Circe along with the other two." You see Piper, Jason, and Hazel being dragged up to the deck. Jason face bruised badly.

You wonder were Frank is, when a small face pecks out from higher up. You and Percy both see him, because Percy starts talking loudly about the 'captain'.

"Yes the captain will not like this at all, Dionysus will not like this a bit." He says loudly.

"Yes he will take his revenge on all of you who go into battle, turning you into..." You she getting the jist.

"Into... Crazy dolphin people!!!"

"Oh no look Frank's turning into a crazy dolphin." You look in his direction. "Ahem, Frank is turning into a crazy dolphin!!!"

"Oh.." Frank stumbles out into the open and starts to turn into a dolphin. "Oh no your all doomed!!!"

You free your had and activate you bow, using an arrow to saw your way out. You sneak towards Chrysaor and hold an arrow to his neck. You throw him into the ocean and say: "Oh no you better run before, our captain takes revenge one you!!!" The dolphin warriors run after there captain and dive into the water. Someone hit the ship making it sink.

You check on Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Crazy dolphin Frank, Piper, and Jason. You run to Leo and see if he's okay.

"(Y/ n)?" Leo murmers.

"Yeah it's me, are you okay?" You ask gently brushing his hair out of his face.

"My ship!! What did those dolphin freaks do to my ship?!!?"

"Yeah your okay." You smile and help him up. You take him to his room and snuggle up next to him. You lay there and fall asleep.

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