Chapter 10

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Your POV

"Jason!!!" Piper wailed. "Help her!!!!"

Jason made you bump slower until you reached about 400 feet and from there you plunged into the ocean. Your head submerged under the icy water. You try to swim up but if it seems as if the sea is pulling you down. This is it, you thought, at least I will die with a good memory..... With that your vision becomes blurry and you are unconscious.

You wake up chocking on water. You roll up and water comes out of your throat. When your vision straightens out, you look around. You were in some type of cave. When you roll over you see a strange boy standing over you. His hair was dark brown, almost black. He had bright green eyes, and his skin was pale.

He extended his hand out to you and without thinking you except it. He pulls you up. Your legs wobble and the boy steadies you. You began to shiver and you notice your hair, and clothes are soaked.

"Here." The boy says placing a towel on this.

"W-where a-am I-i?" Your voice is shaky.

"Submerged about 3,456 feet below water, in the Mediterranean sea."

You eyes widen and you just stare at him.

"H-how did I get here?!? I thought I was going to die..."

"Well I saw you and dragged you here."

"How did you get here?"

"Son of Poseidon, I can breathe underwater. It seems monsters don't bother me down here."

"Son of Poseidon..." You mumble. "What's your name?"

"Carter Smith. And yours?"

"(Y/n) (l/n)."

"Well since your the daughter of Apollo, you will die down here, so we need to find a way to get you out. Oh!! You have hypothermia also."


"Do you have any friends?"

"Yeah I fell off my ship."

"We can Iris message one of theme. See if that helps."


Carter chanted some spell or something and told me to throw a coin in a fountain type thing in the cave. I did and Jason appeared in the water.

"Jason?!?!" You squealed.

"(Y/n)? Your alive!! But how?"

"One of Percy's brothers helped me." Carter waves in the background.

"Percy!!!!" Percy comes running into- Whatever room Jason was in.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?" Percy says trying to figure out where you are.

"Err, I'm kind of submerged about 3,456 feet below water, in the Mediterranean sea....."

"God's, how did you get there?!?"

You point to Carter and he comes up to the, rainbow message thingie.

"Who is that?" He points to Carter.

"I'm Carter Smith son of Poseidon. I saved your friend here, but she will die soon if you don't come and get her. She is a daughter of Apollo, she needs Sun." He says.

This seems all too good, you think. You have no more time to think when Carter turns into a.... A hippocampus with red eyes.

"Is that a hippocampus?!?!? Why is it attacking you?!?!" Percy screams.

It tries to stomp down on you but you quickly roll away. You get your bow out and load it, ready to shoot when Percy yells: "DON'T HURT IT!!!!"

You put your bow away and go with your plan B. Tame it. You put your hands in front of you and try to use your Apollo singing gift to sooth the sea horse. It calms down but it's eyes still glow red. You slowly approach it and put your hand on its face. The red dims and the horse pushes your hand with its cheek. You let it and ask it- err, him of he can take you to the surface.

"He says yes." Percy tells you.

You hop on the horses back and get ready to hold your breath. It takes off and your at a small island before you run out of breath. You look around for the Argo II and luckily spot it right above you.

Leo is leaning over the edge looking down. He runs inside and the ship lowers itself. You still shiver but your relieved your back and soon you'll be with your friends. Your family.

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