Chapter 44

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"Hold on tight it's a rollercoaster ride we're on, so say goodbye cause we won't be back again"


The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. As was the cutting of the cake, first dance, and all of the speeches. This wedding is perfect down to the centerpieces. They are little Christmas trees.

Not to mention the fact that in the middle of the dance floor, there is a huge ten-foot-tall Christmas tree. Blake even had fake snow for the first dance. 

Everything is going amazing.

Harry and I haven't discussed the text yet, but I'm sure he'll ask about it soon. I bet he was just waiting for everything to settle down.

And now that all of the big moments are over, I'm expecting him to ask at any moment.

Therefore I buy myself some time by kissing Harry's cheek, getting up from the head table, and heading to the bar.

I leave so fast that he can't ask to come with me.

I feel a little guilty about avoiding the topic, but can you blame me? I just want to have fun at my brother's wedding.

I ask the bartender for a glass of red wine. A large glass.

He hands it to me and I stand there for a moment. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nate trying to approach me. I start to walk in the opposite direction.

"Hey, so did you get my text earlier?" Harry asks as he approaches behind me wrapping his arms around me.

I decide the best move right now is to play dumb.

"No, sorry I haven't been checking my phone. What's up?" I ask as I turn around to see his face.

Then I take his hand and lead us further away from Nate as Harry continues the conversation.

"Oh don't be sorry, it's been a busy day. I totally get it. And it's probably nothing..."

"I mean we can just talk about it later-" I start.

"William said you and Nate dated?" He asks to make sure the information is true.

I'm gonna kill William.

"I mean yeah, we did. It wasn't a big deal though, just a high school fling." I laugh.

He nods but I don't know if he is buying my story.

"Why did William tell you?" I have to ask.

"He just joked about how your ex and your boyfriend are both groomsmen-"

"Of course he did." I roll my eyes. "Well I can't be completely mad at him, I should've told you I just forgot."

"Well if it wasn't serious, I'm not mad you forgot to tell me." He says putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"We haven't danced yet." Harry points out.

"The song has to be right." I smile.

"I'll have to have a chat with the DJ then, won't I?" He smirks.

"What are you going to ask for?"

As he's about to answer I feel a tug on my dress.

I look down and see Molly.

"Hey Molly! Are you having fun?" I crouch down to talk to her.

She nods but she's shy, which is unlike her. As I try to figure out why, she looks up at Harry.

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