Chapter 1

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"But on a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it begin again"


MAY 2016
4:30 P.M.
I've been sitting in the studio for hours, literally nothing. No ideas. I've never experienced writers block,but I'm pretty sure this is it. Part of the problem is probably the fact that I have been in the studio for hours and not just today. Almost everyday. I need to get out of here and have some type of experience. I'll take a frickin Target trip at this point. Don't get me wrong I love being in the studio,but I've been here too long.

"Hey, Mitch?" I speak up amongst the silent room.

"Oh you're finally back on earth? What do you want? He asks with a small chuckle.

"First of all, I don't know what you're talking about and second of all, I was gonna ask if you wanna go grab a coffee or something." I say confused about the whole earth thing.

"Dude you've been all spaced out, and shit. Like, just staring at the  wall looking board as hell. Not like you to be honest." He says half joking,half serious.

" I'm not board, I just have nothing to write about. I haven't done anything but write for like a month and now I'm running out of things to write about. I need inspection, experiences. And I haven't gone out and done anything in a while so I'm definitely struggling for some inspiration. That's why I asked about coffee. It's cool if you don't want to though. Maybe you'd rather go with... Sarah." I gave a cheeky grin knowing that last part would piss him off a bit.

We just hired Sarah a few weeks ago as my drummer. She's amazing and Mitch fancies her.

"Shut the fuck up." He glares. It was funny. "Let's just go before you say more stupid shit."

He and I grab our things and walk out of the studio. It was just he and I there today. We thought we might be able to jam out and come out of this session with a song considering how well we work together,but it just didn't work out.

"So, should we just go to Beachwood? There stuff is always good." I ask Mitch as we get into my car.

3:30 P.M.
I open up the shop door and head inside, straight away I see Emma at the counter counting some change. She sees me and smiles and waves.

"Naomi! Here for your usual?"She asks with a smile.

"Of course, but I can't get distracted and stay for too long. I have a shift at Beachwood." I say with a slight sigh because I didn't want to go to work. It's not that I didn't like it,it was a pretty fun job actually, I just loved being here so much.

"Then you better get to it! I wanna hear as much as possible!" She says in a giddy tone.

I blush and walk over to the grand piano that's towards the back of the music store. I come here to play because I only have a keyboard at home, and Emma lets me play anytime I want considering she owns the store and we're best friends. It's great to know the owner because that way you know what time's the store isn't that busy.... I don't like playing in front of people.... But I'll always make an exception for her.

I set my bag down by the bench which holds some piano books,my phone, things like that. I like composing music when I come here but I always start out playing a song I know first to hopefully get inspiration. Today I chose You and I by One Direction. I was never a huge fan of them back when they were a band, but I definitely loved all of their singles and stuff. They seemed cool. And of course they're all gorgeous....

I start playing the song and I start to close my eyes a bit. I've played this song a million times so I definitely don't have to look at the keys to play it. I start out with it somewhat quiet and then I take a small pause right before the chorus. And then BAM! As soon as the chorus starts I make it super loud and drop an octive in my left hand. This was easily my favorite part of the song. It must've been something about the melody, or Harry's voice....

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