Chapter 21

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"Happiness is a butterfly"


"Ready to go?" Josh says with a bright smile when I open the door.

"Yeah, yes."

"Oh, and the chairs are in the back of my car." He smiles.

"Thank you so much, getting them. You really didn't have to. How much do I owe you?" I ask reaching into my tote that was resting on my shoulder.

"Nope." He says taking my hand out of the bag and into his hold. "Think of it as a gift for the kids."

"Chairs?" I laugh.

"Chairs." He assures.

I shake my head and laugh and we head out the door, down the elevator, through some halls and to the parking lot where his car is.

I open the passenger door and get in his car. Then I flip the car mirror down in front of me just to make sure I look alright.

It's not a fancy occasion but I want to look nice. I changed my tote for a purse for the occasion but that's all.

I've always make sure that the recitals' dress codes are casual. The kids don't enjoy dressing up so much, so I don't make them.

Naomi's outfit:

Then Josh came through his door and sat down and put on his seatbelt

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Then Josh came through his door and sat down and put on his seatbelt.

I put the mirror back up and put on my seatbelt as well.

"So... Are you excited?" He says as he starts the car and looks over at me with a smile.

"Yeah, I am." I can't help but give a genuine smile.

"Hey! I haven't seen that in a while!" He says with excitement and rubs my shoulder as we leave the parking lot. "You must be really excited!"

"Yeah, I just finally feel like my life is going the way it's supposed to be."

"Huh, well that's good. Why is it just happening now?" He perks up and smiles.

"I don't know... I guess it's mostly to do with the fact that I'm finally taking action on the career I want." I give a big grin and perk up as well.

"Ah..." He sighs and nods.

I can tell that the once happy perky Josh is now replaced with an annoyed one.

"What's wrong? What did I do?" I ask cautiously.

"It's nothing." He says still annoyed.

"No, obviously it's something. So, just say it."

"To be honest I was hoping you'd say me. Plus you're whole career thing-"

"Wait wait wait."

He stops talking and waits for me to say something.

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