Chapter 23

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"I know someday it's gonna happen.
And you'll finally forget the day you met him. Sometimes I'm so close to confession. I gotta get it through your head that you belong with me instead"


"Dude come on! You gotta give that shit back. If you don't, thats creepy as hell." Mitch argues.

"I mean, she never asked for any of it back yet and-"

"Key word being yet. There is no way she doesn't. And it will be a lot less awkward if you give it back willingly rather than her have to ask."

We are currently in my bedroom staring at the clothes Naomi let me borrow a few days ago spread all over my bed.

I wasn't gonna give them back unless she asked but Mitch definitely doesn't agree with that.

"Come on, how am I supposed to give this shit back?" I say as I put on the rainbow cardigan and the heart-shaped sunglasses. "It fits my look."

Yes, I got the heart-shaped sunglasses back again later that day at Cornelia Street...

"Harry, you do realize that it's weird to accumulate your friends things right? Like, especially their clothes."

"Yeah, but our friendship is-"

"Please do not say different. Just say you got the hots for her and call it a day please. For fucks sake please just admit it to me and yourself." He says while massaging his temples out of frustration.

"My god Mitchell, I-"

"No, just admit it."

"But I don't and I-"

"Admit it."

"Mitch, stop." I start pacing a little to stop the frustration.

"Admit it."

"Mitch I swear to god-"

"Admit it."


"Admit it."

"Fine! I really like Naomi! There I said it! Are you fucking happy now?" I say and stare at him as I have stopped pacing now.

"Ecstatic. Because now I can finally help you."

"Help me how?"

"Well that's where you have to make a decision. "

"What kind of decision?" I furrow my brows and cross my arms.

"Do you want me to help you get over her? Or do you want me to help you get the girl?" Mitch smirks.

I let a smile escape for a moment but I wipe it away.

"Mitch, that would be-"

"Difficult? Trust me I know. But I think it'd be pretty easy considering what you've told me about them as a couple. Besides they might have broken it off by now. Has she said anything since the other day about it?"

"No, we've talked but she hasn't brought him up at all and I don't want her to think I'm nosey."

"You should probably find out dude."

"Yeah, I know. But why the sudden change of heart? You wanted me to get over her."

"Yeah, I know... But I've been thinking about it. You and her. Plus Sarah and I have been talking and I'm learning a lot about women from her. Point is, is that I have a different view on the situation now.

"Oh... Okay..." I say still a little surprised that he changed his mind.

"Just saying, even if her and Josh are still together I'll help you out if you want. I think she's one of the good ones. I don't want you to get hurt. And she's not a hurter. I'd help you."

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