Chapter 27

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I'm back. I've been back for about two days now actually. I was and still am in a bit of a funk after telling Josh everything that happened with Nate.

This is a rare case where knowing him for a long time helped with telling him. He already knows a lot about that relationship which made it a bit easier as well.

It definitely brought out some feelings in myself that I guess I never fully dealt with.Which I hated. Actually I don't know if I hated that or the fact that Nate was even at the party more. I mean, I know he was a family friend before we dated but come on! I can't believe he was invited!

Josh and I took a walk around the neighborhood to get out of the house for a while after I told him. He handled it pretty well. He said that nothing like that will ever happen again and that he was so sorry I had to go through it in the first place. He was actually just great the whole weekend. I really appreciated it and thanked him for the time we had, but he insisted that he thank me instead because I invited him to come.

I was supposed to go in and do a writing session with Harry and Mitch yesterday, but I've still been in my head thinking about the whole Nate situation and I didn't want to come in and ruin anything. I know I can't make anything great for him in this mindset and he deserves the best I can give him.

When I called to tell him I couldn't make it he asked why, and I said I wasn't feeling well. I told him I may have caught a cold. Which I think caused me to have bad karma for lying because now I am sick in bed from a really bad cold which I think I caught at the airport. Josh luckily didn't get it and we're keeping it that way. He said we couldn't see each other in person until I was all better. I didn't know he was such a freak about this stuff until now, but I'm okay with it cause I don't want him to get sick.

Anyways, I told Harry and he said he was sorry and to feel better soon. Then this morning he face timed me which was new and wanted to check up on me. It was really thoughtful. He asked me if I've been drinking enough water, taking my medicine, eating enough. Things like that. So obviously I lied and said yes. What? I forget okay?

Plus my body is so achy I can barely stand! How am I supposed to make food under these conditions?

Right now I'm just laying in my bed while watching She's All That. Under pounds and pounds of blankets of course. I have a box of tissues at my side, along with throat lozenges so in all honesty I am taking mighty good care of myself thank you very much.

Emma said she was gonna bring me some chicken noodle soup. Because sadly she doesn't believe me about how well I'm taking care of myself, and she's at the door now.

I hear the knock at the door and I don't feel like attempting to get up.

"It's open! Come in!" I shout from my bed then immediately start coughing my guts out.

I here the door open and I hear footsteps shuffling around.

"We brought you food Naomi! We know you're not taking care of yourself like you should and we're here to help!" I hear Emma shout from the kitchen.

"Thank you so much, but I said I was fine!" I yell then cough. "And poor KJ doesn't probably want to be here! You probably had to drag the guy!"

"What are you talking about? KJ isn't here." Emma chuckles now walking through my bedroom door to see me.

"Well you said 'we' so I thought-"

"Yeah, me and-" Emma starts.

"Me." Harry says walking through the doorway with a big brown teddy bear holding a heart saying 'get well soon'.

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