When the Dress Doesn't Fit

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It had been a while since Kakashi had finally done what we all had thought he wasn't capable of, committing himself to Sakura, and now, at last, they were ready to begin preparing for the wedding. I couldn't quite wrap my head around it, to be honest. Then again, I had a hard time thinking about my own marriage, never mind also having a baby, but this was a whole other level. Sakura was getting married; Katie was getting married, something her stupid little romantic heart had wanted since she was in middle school.

And to Kakashi of all people! I mean, nobody went through life thinking they'd marry their favorite anime crush, at least no one mentally sound did, and, here she was, actually fucking doing it. After everything we've been through, after all of the crazy shit we'd seen, Katie was getting married to fucking Kakashi...

At least now that the dust had settled everyone else's surprise had worn off. They were getting married and there wasn't a thing we could do about it, and we were okay with that now... or that was what I was hoping, anyway. Kiba didn't look all too pleased as we made our way to their office, but I think it had more to do with Sasuke's busy bodying and repeated urges for us to go get them then anything. The boy was losing his damn mind about this whole thing, and he'd been bothering the other guys nonstop with tasks to help him prepare.

Kiba was just about ready to cave his head in, "If he tries talking to me like that again, I'm gonna kill him."

"He's stressed out." I offered, taking his hand, "They are late, after all."

"Yeah, he's the Hokage and she's his assistant." Rolling his eyes, he gripped my hand back a little forcefully, "There is always something going on; I know from experience now!"

Rubbing his hand with my thumb to try and get him to relax, I sighed, "I wasn't saying he's in the right, I was just trying to give a little bit of perspective."

"Perspective my ass." He spat, covering the side of Alonso's head with his free hand, "He doesn't get to boss me around like that, and I'm not the one that was late anyway! We were the first people there! If he has such a fucking problem with it, he should've gone and got them himself!"

I tensed my hand around his firmly, "You're going to hate to hear this, but cálmate."

Shockingly all he did was shoot me a pout, his hand relaxing, "Fine. But, I'm telling you if he-"

"I got it." I nodded, "Honestly he is being a little prick today, but what else is new." He cracked a smile at that, studying the door of the office for a moment, and his brow furrowed a little, "What is it?"

"I..." He didn't seem to know himself, so, electing to ignore it, I reached for the door, "Wait-"

I pushed it open, an interesting sight in front of us. Sakura sat on the Hokage's desk, a very tense smile on her face and her posture almost mockingly prim and proper, hands folded on her lap and knees held together. Kakashi similarly had a plastered on grin, hands folded on his desk as they both stared at us. I could've sworn I saw his foot dart out to the side to pull something behind his desk, but it was too quick to be sure.

Kakashi let out a small laugh, "Hello, um, did you need something?"

Kiba's brow furrowed further, "You... your wedding preparations?"

They both stared at us for another couple of seconds, then looking at each other before Sakura gasped, "Oh my gosh, we forgot!?"
Kakashi slapped his hands to his face, dragging them down in exasperation, "Sasuke's going to have my head."

"He is." Kiba nodded in agreement, eyes narrowing at them. What on earth was bothering him so much? It clearly wasn't them being late.

"We came to come get you." I followed, quirking a brow at Sakura who all of the sudden couldn't look at me. How could she forget about her own wedding?

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