Tea and Coffee Talk

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What could be better than this? Sleeping in late with glimpses of the sun peeking through the curtains, curled up against the arm of my gorgeous boyfriend, or, more accurately, fiancé, nose in his shirt and covered in his hair... his... pink... and purple hair?

Fully opening my eyes I glanced to the side to confirm that, indeed, Neji's previously dark brown hair had somehow become pink, but... no, Neji's hair was also present, definitely, so what the hell was this? This couldn't be what I was suspecting, it seemed just a little too outlandish, like the stuff of my nightmares.

Taking a breath, I carefully pushed myself up enough to not disturb Neji, and- "What in the icing coated hell!?" All ideas of not disturbing him flew out the window as I bolted upright and shoved him and Sakura out of the bed, staring down at them in sheer disbelief.

"Wh-what!?" Neji looked around in a confused panic as Sakura clung to his arm in a similar drowsy state of alarm, and he first made eye contact with her before quickly facing me, "H-hold on!"

Hands on my hips, I glared down at them from where I kneeled on the bed, just what did they think they were doing!?



It was a lot nicer to wake up to coos instead of crying, when a baby naturally wakes up instead of promptly deciding that it has needs that desperately require tending to as soon as it gains consciousness. Pretty soothing actually, waking up to hear him okay and active, and I peered over to see Hinata lowering the side of his little bed so she could unswaddle him.

"Hola, lindo," She purred quietly, unwrapping him and smiling as he lifted his little arms out to stretch, "Buenos dias."

I pushed down the other side of the sleeper, lazily scooting closer to lay my head next to his, and I smiled as he relaxed his arms back down with a yawn, "Y'know, it's kinda hard to be mad at them for screaming so much when they're also so cute and innocent."

Hina hummed humoredly and propped her head on her hand as she laid back down, placing her other hand on Alonso's chest, "It's certainly a dichotomy. Mamá's response to the 'he's so cute' compliments was always 'he is now'," her smile softened, "Everytime, then followed up by 'but I'll keep him'."

Nestling my face closer to Alonso's, I tried to avoid smiling now as his little head turned to the side to face me, "I dunno, should we keep you?"

All he did was shove his hand in his mouth, kick a bit, and lightly smack the bridge of my nose with his other hand, and my efforts to not smile kinda failed. Hinata laughed lightly and kissed his cheek, reaching over to rub my shoulder, "I'm sure he made you question things yesterday."

"No," I hummed out, tilting my head against his, "Never had that thought once."

Smile fading to a slight frown, she laid her head down to peer at me from over Alonso, "I'm sorry I did that to you, it really wasn't fair."

"You've apologized enough." I attempted to dissuade, although I couldn't really put my heart into a smile, "All I care about is that he's okay."

"But that wasn't okay, and I put you both into a situation where you both were not okay." Her hand moved up to play with my hair, and even though I enjoyed the gesture I had to remind myself to keep focused on what she was saying, "It was stupid for me to do... I put way too many expectations on all of us."

I shrugged, "I should've been firmer. I knew you were uncomfortable but..." If she hadn't set things up with my mom of all people, it would've been a lot easier to get myself to talk her out of it, "I really need to stop freaking out too. I need to be there to stabilize you so that you can take care of him, and so that I can take care of-"

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