Prosthetic Pals

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I swung my legs happily from where I was sat on Kakashi's desk, opening the small box to at last enjoy the treat I had been gifted, "Today's a good day." I smiled. The sun was shining, I was back to living in my own house, and we even had a special guest in Konoha today!

Kakashi hummed from behind his papers, "Is that so?" Of course he wasn't as happy, he was reading boring paperwork!

"Yep!" I declared, "The Raikage's getting his new arm, the Cloud is gonna like us, and, I dunno, I'm just happy."

"Sounds like a good day to me." Kakashi agreed, setting his papers down and folding his arms on his desk, leaning forward to try and peek around me, "What do you have there?"

"A cupcake!" I turned a bit for him to see easier, "And I didn't make this one. Hinata and Kiba apologized to me! I guess that's also why I'm happy too!" Though I wish I didn't have to see Kiba almost cry again, I knew that it was important for him to be able to, but that didn't mean that I wanted it to happen. I also didn't like Hinata being upset, and I didn't like us being upset at each other, "Forgiving people is great!" It really did make things easier.

"It can be." Kakashi nodded, mocking a pout, "But they didn't apologize to me, though."

Although it was a joke, I was kinda hoping that they would actually apologize to him eventually, but Kiba and Hinata's pride could only take so much, no point in not going along with it though, "I could arrange something."

"Is that so?" he raised a brow, "Are negotiations an option with them?"

"If I do things right." I decided; they weren't as unreasonable as Kakashi thought they were, but it was completely understandable why he thought the way he did.

Kakashi propped his head in his hand, "Well, I suppose you've already been 'doing things right', because you made up with them just in time for them to help us with this."

"Hinata would have helped even if she was mad at me!" I argued. She would have, no doubt about it, she didn't let things like feelings stop her from doing her job... it was kinda scary.

"The other?" Kakashi followed.

I paused, "Maybe not..." Kiba was... a lot more governed by his emotions. I looked back at Kakashi with a sigh, "He does feel bad, y'know." I was happy Kiba felt bad, because he should, I just wish he'd relax a bit about it.

Kakashi gave me a distrusting look, "Feels bad for hitting me? Or bad for making you upset?"

Oh... I returned my eyes forward at that, "I'm... not sure." I didn't expect me getting mad to have as much of an effect on him as it did, and I wish I could say that I could use it to my advantage in the future but it was also really hard to be actually mad at Kiba... even so, I hope he actually felt bad, "I'll try and have them apologize to you anyways."

Kakashi shrugged, "I suppose it isn't too pressing. They aren't idiots with spare anger to throw around, it usually has a purpose."

"Maybe a discussion, then?" I amended, "I really don't think you should just let this go, especially since it has everyone else thinking they can kill you." my fists involuntarily balled up at remembering what happened with Sasuke. That was a full on assassination attempt! Not just being angry! Sasuke actually wanted to kill him. I glanced back at him curiously, "Why did you let it go?"

Kakashi didn't seem do sure himself, his brow furrowing as he tapped his fingers on the desk, "Perhaps I'm just familiar with working with people like him." he mused, "I can't say that Naruto and Sasuke haven't tried to attack me before, although Sasuke's last attempt was much different, but... I'm also familiar with the concept of dealing with emotions you can't control, and making a mistake in the moment because of it. I didn't take it as an attack on an authority figure, but one that was personal. That boy had a problem with me, not the Hokage." he shrugged, "I certainly haven't shown this position much respect anyways, so theoretically I shouldn't expect the same from others. That and... I don't think you would have taken well to one of your friends being dispatched in front of you... or Hinata for that matter."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz