Welcome Home

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This was going to be it! Al's first day home!

Pushing open the door to the house excitedly, I laughed and held out my arms as Akamaru came bounding up to me, indulging him with plenty of pets before standing up and surveying the house, "Looks like they did clean some things up!"

Tail wagging, Akamaru spun around to give the room a scan of his own. Of course, what else should I have expected from Tsume; when it really counted, she went above and beyond for her children. The surfaces were spotless, everything in its place, with even a pleasant herbal aroma hanging lightly in the air. I didn't have to worry about anything housekeeping wise at least.

So, that left something arguably more important, although Hina would disagree, and I went to the kitchen to see what was in the fridge. If I knew anything about babies and being a new mom, it was that Hina was supposed to rest, Kiba probably too, and they needed things to be nice, simple, and easy for them so that they could focus on what mattered: Al. I wasn't going to be able to cook them breakfast, no matter how bad I wanted to, so, hopefully someone thought ahead to prep some meals, and, indeed, someone did.

I picked up one of the containers, taking off the top of it to place only the glass portion in the oven to heat. Perfect! Depending on how quickly they'd be able to move, breakfast might be ready for them by time they get here!

But now that I had gotten that out of the way, I was left with only my thoughts to focus on. I wanted so badly to stay excited, but how could I? So much was changing now, and today marked the beginning of a new portion of all of our lives. I leaned against the counter, popping my face in a hand while I tried not to pout, but how was I supposed to feel normal when everything was so not.

Kiba and Hina were going to be tired and stressed for a while, that was inevitable, I'd have to find my new place in the whole dynamic, and even outside all of that it was forcing me to think about my life and what I was going to do with it. My original plan of helping them raise him and their other children didn't make sense anymore, because now Kakashi was in the picture. I'd have to move out at some point, right? How was that going to fit in with everything? Was I not going to be as close to them anymore?

The Demon Lord Dark Goliath leapt up onto the counter, sauntering up to me and brushing his side against my hand, and I attempted to pet him for him to only then sit down at the edge to stare at me. If I had to judge by the look he was giving me, it was that he thought I was being stupid, and I probably was. Things in life came step by step, right? So I just had to keep dealing with each step before worrying about the next flight, and the current step was making sure Kiba and Hina were happy, calm parents.

So, step one of my plan had been completed: assess the condition of the house. Then step two: prepare food. Now was the part I was looking forward to, and I jumped up and ran to my room to grab my change of clothes.

The nice thing about some of the shows Hina likes is that the characters didn't have super elaborate Shonen outfits, like Winry; all I needed was a zip up black sports bra, a khaki jumpsuit, and a green bandana. I briefly lamented the loss of my original blond hair and blue eyes, because they would've been perfect, but, no matter, I wasn't bothering with ideas like that anymore.

No, Winry looked just fine with multicolored hair and green eyes, but I had forgotten the bandana, so I had to return to my room for it. Just as I had stepped into my room though, I made eye contact with Sasuke, him halfway through the window and struggling to get himself through covertly.

"Sakura!" He blurted, falling not so covertly into the room and quickly scrambling back up with an awkward smile, "Uh... hi?"

I stared at him for a moment, having absolutely no idea how to take this. Not only was I just not expecting to have to deal with him yet, but then there was the whole baby thing, but then also this was the first time I'd seen him since I got high, and I had a lot of feelings about that too.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now