Naruto on Ice

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"No way dude..."

I tore my eyes from Alonso to find Sasuke staring out onto the ice in awe, a glance only a bit more to the side revealing the object of his fascination. Sakura, in all her graceful glory, was for once actually graceful, gliding over the ice effortlessly as she warmed up, dancing circles over the surface like it didn't pose any challenge to her.

"Why is she that good?" Sasuke whispered, eyes locked onto her in sheer disbelieving amazement, "There's no way I'm seeing this right."

"Little rich girl showing off her skating skills!" I called after her, "Bet you're happy mommy and daddy paid for all your lessons now!"

Naruto glanced between me and her in confusion, "Her parents paid for lessons? Is that why she's so good... she never told me she could skate."

"Probably because she was worried that her fucking priviledge would be showing!" I shouted, cupping my mouth to make sure my words reached her, "Look at the little pompous prick prancing about like there's nothing to worry about."

Kiba stopped his Sakura watching, his brow furrowing at me, "Why... are you doing that?"

I sat back down, wrapping my arms around his waist to warm my hands back up, "Well, in our world, it isn't uncommon for rich people to force their children into expensive hobbies at a young age. It could be sports like tennis, golf, or ice skating, or instruments," I then leaned back towards the ice, "Like how the pretty, little, rich girl knows how to play the fucking harp because her dumb little rich hands were too uncoordinated to play the piano!"

Sakura faltered a little, shooting me a pout, and Kakashi gave me a side eye, "If I may be so bold, I wouldn't call what I'm seering 'uncoordinated'."

"With her hands specifically." I waved a dismissive hand, "She obviously is plenty coordinated on her feet... most of the time, and, sure, she is almost talented with building things, but put her in front of a piano and it's not only a sound to behold, but a sight to see. It's panic incarnate."

Kiba gave a confused smile, "Is it?"
I was going to reply, but Sakura had apparently switched her warm up to skating backwards, and I raised my voice again, "Oh, look at that, rich girl's really showing off now! What're you gonna do next? A flip?"
"I hope not." Kakashi murmured worriedly, eyes now locked once again on her.

His worry must've been a tad contagious because Kiba then looked down at his feet, angling them out nervously, "I guess it makes sense why Sakura would want to do this then... and that's great for her and all, but... why are we also wearing skates?"

"What?" I scoffed, quirking a brow, "Did you think we'd be here just to ogle at the rich girl while she shows off!?"

Sakura was still impassive to my goading, which was to be expected from her. She'd long since learned to accept that I was forever going to make fun of her for just how disgustingly rich her parents, and therefore she too, were. It was usually a source of embarrassment for her, to be honest, she didn't like how her parents used their money, nor did she feel that they really deserved it, having received most of it from inheritance and shockingly little of it from their own artworks. But, it would seem today she was making a valiant effort to be unbothered.

"I thought we were here to have a nice day out." Choji brought up cluelessly, turning to look at me from over his shoulder as he stirred the crock pot in front of him.

"That's what I thought too." Shikamaru narrowed his eyes at me, a silent warning that there was nothing I could possibly do to coax him onto the ice.

With a sigh, I refaced Kiba, "Well, for the most part, yes, this was for all of us to hang out again, and for Sakura to be able to skate. But, she'd like as many of us as possible to try skating as well."

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