Temari has Joined the Battle

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The light filtering in through the nearby window cast a comforting light into the cafe, the high afternoon sun making inside lighting almost unnecessary. It was invigorating for sure, and Naruto was more than happy to express his current boundless energy.

He slung an arm around Sasuke's shoulders with a teasing smirk, "So, when are you and Yui finally going to seal the deal?"

Sasuke smacked his arm off with an annoyed huff, "What's it matter to you?"

"Now, Sasuke, shouldn't your team get to know?" Kakashi smiled.

What was this? Was it really the four of us, Team 7, again? I surveyed the table and, sure enough, Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi were here with me. There were even a couple of additions too, Yui sitting with her arm looped loosely with Sasuke's, but there also was another. A girl maybe? With short brown hair and blue-grey eyes who sat next to Naruto with a humored smirk.

"Yeah," Naruto scoffed, "Unless you're too chicken to ever marry her?"
Sasuke flushed, glaring at him incredulously as Yui shrugged, "I certainly hope that's not what's going on."

"N-no, of course not!" Sasuke blurted defensively at her before his eyes snapped back to Naruto, "And keep out of things you don't understand!"

"He isn't that hopeless." the girl I didn't know quipped, "He'll figure out we're dating someday."

"I know that we're dating!" Naruto cried, now the one to feel embarrassed.

With a kind smile, the girl chuckled, "You seem to forget sometimes." her smile then dropped off as something occurred to her, "... like we've forgotten there's a meeting we need to get to."

"What!?" Naruto gasped, immediately standing up, "Sorry Sensei, we gotta go!"

The two of them headed off, Kakashi shaking his head with a sigh, "And this is why I've given him a low ranking job, need to teach him the responsibility somehow."

"Maybe he'll actually learn something someday." Sasuke snarked.

"I dunno." I shrugged, "You apparently need to learn some things too."

"Yep." Yui agreed, and Sasuke looked back to her in betrayed denial.

"It is time to start thinking about your future more seriously," Kakashi agreed with a nod, "You're not going to have forever to be young and careless."

"Okay, old man." Sasuke scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Old man!" I gasped in offense, "Kakashi isn't an old man!"

"Look at him," Sasuke pointed to him sarcastically, "He's even graying!"

"How wounding." Kakashi replied with a kind of blunt sarcasm.

Yui frowned at Sasuke, "Stop being mean just because they're making good points."

Sasuke let out a groan, slumping back in his seat before relenting, "Fine... I get it."

"You gotta tie her down before she escapes." I teased, leaning over the table.

Poking a finger at my forehead, he pushed me back into my seat, "Like she'd do that."

Yui let go of his arm, moving to stand by the table, "Oh no... I'm escaping."

"Hey!" Sasuke called after her as she began to meander for the door. Getting up and giving chase as she ran off, "Are we really doing this!?"
Kakashi chuckled as he watched them leave, "He'll understand someday."

We were alone now, I was alone with Kakashi. I tried not to stare at him, fiddling with my hands as I gazed pointlessly at the table. How could he manage to look exactly the same after all these years? Everyone always teased him for being 'old', but he never looked it.

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