Lipstick and Pink Devils

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Laying the set of proposals on my desk, I sighed and looked out my window to the view of sand and beige-colored buildings. As much as I hated to admit it, Konoha was certainly the more visually interesting village although the desert had its unique, beautiful moments.

An almost imperceptible noise drew my eyes downward to the miniscule dog that was now at my feet, and I gave her a slight nudge, earning a blink in response. I sat there for a moment in contemplation of what I was going to do. Yes, I had quite the bit of paperwork to do... but I also didn't want to do it at the moment.

I tapped my fingers on my knees, considering the consequences of taking a break. It's not like anyone could actually punish me or anything, and that idea drove me to pick up Lipstick and jump down from my chair, moving to the square of sunlight shining from the window. Sitting down, I happily set the dog down, her tail now wagging at the attention.

As I pulled my hand back she lightly bit my sleeve, and I gently pulled her around in what most people would consider the most boring game of tug of war; it was more than enough for me though, not like I wanted horseplay.

My enjoyable moment of quiet, though, had to be interrupted by the door opening of course, and I groaned as I realized that it was my siblings that were gracing me with their presence.

"Gaara... what are you doing?" Kankuro asked, trying to peek around me to see what I was doing.

"You're not taking a break, are you?" Temari immediately went into 'scolding mom' mode, marching over to me so that I could see her glaring.

I pointedly tried to avoid her gaze, "I just started my break, you don't need to have a fit." it's not like I never worked or anything.

"What type of weird thing are you doing anyways?" Kankuro repeated his earlier question, walking up to my other shoulder to see Lipstick, who was currently on her back and looking quite dead, "Oh..." he walked back to lean against the wall, "What else should I have expected from Captain Freak and his wonder dog."

"You've gotten really comfortable insulting him." Temari snarked in his direction.

Kankuro huffed out a laugh in response, "And you've gotten comfortable bossing him around."
She scowled in his direction, and I gave an indifferent shrug, "And yet you are equally annoying."

I could feel them both staring at my back before Kankuro began laughing, "Fair enough."

Returning my attention to Lipstick, I laid my hand on her stomach and rolled her around, which she seemed more than content with. Why did they have to come in as soon as I tried to relax? It was like they just knew somehow.

Kankuro watched me intently for a moment, his brow furrowing, "What the hell is wrong with it?"

"Her name is Lipstick." I replied, "And I don't know what you mean."

"She's basically dead." Temari scoffed, "How can you be entertained with her? How does she even play?"

"Dogs aren't just for entertainment." I frowned; what did they think pets were for?

"It doesn't do anything, Gaara." Kankuro stressed, "It's like a toy or something. A stupid, little brainless toy that looks like it would rattle if you shook it."

My eyes widened at the visual, and I protectively cupped my hands over her, my sand following suit, "You can't shake her!"

He seemed a little put off by the reaction, but chuckled nonetheless, "I wasn't going to actually do that... maybe..."

"You don't have to be mean about it." Temari crossed her arms over her chest, but looked down at Lipstick curiously, "But she does look like she'd rattle."

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