14 | Max

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"Dear Billy, I don't know if you can even hear this. Two years ago, I would have said 'That's ridiculous, impossible.'. But that was before I found out about alternate dimensions and monsters, so...I'm just going to stop assuming that I know anything. So much has happened since you left. Your dad was a total mess. He and my mom started getting into fights, bad fights. I don't think he could stand being here without you, so he left. And he didn't leave mom much. She's take an extra job, and we moved to that lovely trailer park off Kerley. Basically, ever since you left, everything's been a total disaster. And the worst part is, I can't tell anyone why you're gone. I can tell them that you saved El's life. That you saved my life. I play that moment back in my head all the time, and sometimes I imagine myself running to you, pulling you away. I imagine that if I had, that you would still be here." she paused, wiping the tears away.

" And everything would be...everything would be right again. I imagine that we, that we could've become friends. Good friends, like, like a real brother and sister. And I know that's stupid. You hated me, I hated you, but I thought that maybe...maybe we could try again. But that's not what happened, I just...I stood there, and I watched. For a while, I tried to be happy, normal. But I... I think that maybe a part of me died that day too, and I haven't told anyone this, I... I just can't. But I had to tell you, before it's too late. if you can even hear this, I really hope that you can. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Billy. love, your shitty little sister, Max." she read out, sat in front of his gravestone, crying and sniffing. Max's face dropped as she saw the sun disappear, the heavy grey clouds covering over the sun and the fog return. She wearily looked around, her breath hitching.



Steve's fingers drummed on the car door, his window rolled down and his arm resting on the ledge, watching Maxx. He glanced at his watch, pulling a face and opening the door. "All right, it's been long enough." he said, getting out and taking steps forward. Lucas was perched on the bonnet while Dustin had an arm resting on the opened car door, the other on the roof and one leg on the rim of the car. "Steve, just give her some time!" Lucas tried to persuade, looking at the older male. "I have, all right Sinclair. I'm calling it, if she wants to get a lawyer, she can." he insisted, turning around and walking up to her, Dustin and Lucas looking at each other.

"Max. Time to giddy up, yeah?" he said, jogging up to her, getting an uneasy feeling in his stomach as there was silence. "Max? Max. Max. Max!" Steve called, bending down before beckoning the others over.


Max stood up, looking at the voice in disbelief. "I've been waiting to hear those words, Max. Waiting so very long." Billy said, taking small steps, gradually getting closer. "Wake up! Hey!" Steve shouted, clapping his hands in her face. Billy walked closer to her, he was still in the clothes he had on the day he died, blood splatted all over him. "But it wasn't the full truth, was it, Max?" he questioned, now right in front of her and holding his hand up, rubbing her cheek. "You know, I think there's a part of you, buried somewhere deep, that wanted me to die that day. That was maybe even relieved, happy." he spoke, staring at her. She shook her head desperately, looking at her brother. "Billy, no, that's not true." she insisted, taking small steps back. "That's why you stood there, isn't it, Max? It's okay, you can admit it now. No more lies. No more hiding." he told her. "Billy, that's not true, I swear." she pleaded, stepping back from him. "That is why you feel such guilt. Why you hide from your friends, why you hide from the world. And why, late at night, you have sometimes wished to follow me. Follow me into death, which is why I am here Max. To end your suffering, once and for all." he exposed, Max tripping over the ledge. Gasping as she saw Vecna before her, she quickly stumbled to her feet before running. "It is time, max. Time for you to join me." Vecna called.

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