27 | Hero

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The ride to the Creels was tense. Everyone geared up, all their supplies at the ready, no one daring to say a word. Steve and Nancy were still up front, Erica, Lucas and Max behind and then Dustin, Y/n, Eddie and Robin all squeezed in at the back. Dustin was hugged up to Y/n, their right arm around his shoulders while their left hand was intertwined with Eddie's squeezing it tightly. Steve pulled up, Erica, Lucas and Max all climbing out after Y/n hugged them all, sending smiles to the others as they all anxiously hoped this plan would work out. That they wouldn't lose anyone, no one would be massively injured, and they could finally cure Max and clear Eddie's name. Max and Y/n looked at each other knowingly one last time as they both felt Vecna's presence, knowing he wasn't going down easily. Steve took one last glance at the three and everyone else before he set off again, towards Eddie's trailer.


"Okay. I wanna run through it one more time. Phase one?" Nancy breathed out, just wanting to make sure everyone knew the plan. "We meet Erica at the playground, she'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready." Robin finished, Nancy nodding and taking a deep breath before continuing. "Phase two?" she questioned, fiddling with the flashlight in her hands, trying to keep herself calm. "Max baits Vecna, He'll go after her, which'll out him in his trance." Steve finished. "Phase three?" she wondered, looking over at Eddie, Dustin and Y/n who were sat at the back. "Me, Dustin and Eddie draw the bats away." Y/n replied, Eddie pulling them closer to him and ruffling Dustin's hair. "Four?" She continued asking, looking back at Steve and Robin. "We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and... flambe." Robin said, shaking the liquid in her hand. "Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" Nancy instructed, all of them nodding and heading out to the trailer where the gate was, taking turns to go through the gate and get all the needed weapons through safely.

"Hey, guys, listen, if things start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort, okay? Draw the attention of the bats, keep them busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-" Steve lectured, Dustin rolling his eyes. "Decoys. Don't worry, you can be the hero, Steve." he huffed, nodding along. They said their goodbyes before Nancy, Robin and Steve headed off and Y/n, Dustin and Eddie went back inside the trailer, grabbing things and blocking the windows up before they got the signal saying phase two so the three went to go get everything needed to distract the bats.

"Jesus Christ...It's like, she was destined for an alternate dimension." Eddie said in awe, walking over and picking up his guitar. "What do you say, Hendersons? Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" he grinned, both of them grinning straight back at him. "Is that a rhetorical question?" Y/n smirked as he kissed their cheek before putting the guitar strap over him. "Let's do it." he grinned, heading outside as Y/n grabbed his amp and Dustin followed behind. They carefully got on the roof of the trailer, Eddie helping Y/n up and then Dustin once he had sorted the plug out.


"Copy that! Initiating phase three!" Dustin responded, Y/n connecting the wires and the amp whining, signifying it was on. "Chrissy, this is for you!" they cheered, Eddie taking a big gulp before starting. Dustin and Y/n crouched down near the amp, a smile appearing as Y/n recognised the song - 'Master of Puppets'. They held in a chuckle as they saw Dustin looking at him in awe, bopping his head in time to the guitar, Y/n wrapping an arm around Dustin and holding him close to them. "Here they come!" they alerted, seeing the bats in the distance starting to swarm together, getting ready to approach the sound coming from the guitar. The pair of them watched, head banging along with Eddie, Y/n taking a deep breath as they saw Steve, Nancy and Robin head into the woods and keeping themself calm, hoping they'd be fine, and Max was currently fine. The bats got closer and closer, their shrieks quickly becoming louder by the second. Dustin looked over, pressing the binoculars to his face, his smile disappearing. "Eddie! We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!" Dustin shouted over, as he nodded, quickly carrying on and bracing himself.

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