13 | Caught

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"These are our gardens. Beautiful, aren't they? We allow them two hours of outside time a day." he told them, Robin tilting her head. "Can't they just escape?" she asked, Hatch nodding. "They could, but the vast majority choose to be here. They like it here." he assured them. They carried on walking, Dr Hatch leading them into a room with music. "This is one of our more popular areas. the listening room. We found that music has a particularly calming effect on the broken mind. The right song, particularly one which holds some personal meaning can prove a salient stimulus. But there are those who are beyond a cure." he stated, Y/n taking a mental note of what he said and glancing at the others. He next lead them into another room, down a flight of stairs, with security heavily guarding it. "Dr Hatch, do you think it might be possible for us to speak to Victor alone?" Nancy asked, the Doctor staring back at her as security unlocked the door. "Alone?" he asked, walking up to them, unsure.

"I... I think we would just love the challenge of speaking with Victor without the safety net of an expert such as yourself. Then we could really rub it in Professor Bradley's face when we get back-" Robin rambled, being cut off by him. "Professor Bradley? I don't believe I know a professor Bradley." he questioned, looking over at her in confusion. "Brantley. She...she meant to say Brantley." Y/n covered up, looking over at her. "Didn't I say Brantley? What did I say? Sorry, silly, silly me. Words, letters, guess I'm just nervous. I mean, excited. So excited to speak with Victor. Preferably, as she said, alone?" Robin added as he stared at them.

 "Yes. Why not? You've caught me in a rebellious mood. And there's something rather urgent I need to check on anyway, so...Sure. Keep a close eye on them." he said to security, nodding and walking off. They thanked him as Y/n sucked their cheek in, unsure of what he was going to do. They followed security in, opening all the doors and gates before them. "Do not startle him. Do not touch him. Do not pass him anything. Stand five feet away from the bars at all times. Is that clear?" He demanded, all of them agreeing. He ran his baton along the bars, making a clanking sound. "Victor. Today's your lucky day! You got visitors. real pretty ones, too." he called, Victor still not turning. He sat there, head facing the wall and scratching the table. "Must be in one of his moods. Have fun." he said, heading back down the hall.

"Victor? My name is Nancy, Nancy Wheeler, and this is Robin Buckley and Y/n Henderson." she introduced, hands in fists at her side. "Um...we have some questions." Nancy called, victor sneering. "I don't talk to reporters. Hatch knows that." he argued, huffing at them. "We're not reporters. We're here because...we believe you. And because we need your help. Whatever killed your family, we think it's back." Robin told him, still watching him sit there, nails scrapping on the desk. He slowly turned around, facing them, revealing his missing eyes.


"Turn here." Max called, looking at their surroundings. Steve glanced at her in the mirror while Dustin turned to look at her. "Here?" he asked, Max nodding as he looked back at Steve. Steve turned down the road into Roane Hill cemetery, looking for a place to park. He settled on the edge of the road, parking up and glancing at her. Max got out, started walking over as Lucas got out, calling her name. "Max!" he called, Max sighing before turning back. "Lucas, please, just wait in the car." she pleaded, taking a few more steps forward. "Max, just wait. Max, please. Just listen to me, just, please. I know something happened back there with your mother. was it Vecna?" he questioned, Max thinking and pausing before responding to him. 

"I told you, I'm fine. okay? I mean, as fine as someone who's hurling towards a gruesome death can be." she admitted, looking at the ground. "Max... you know you can talk to me. Right?" he asked. She looked at him in confusion, her eyebrows raised. "Yeah, I know that." she responded, dumbfounded. "Okay, then why do you keep pushing me away? Okay, look. I don't need a letter, I don't want a letter. Just talk to me. To your friends, we're right here, I'm right here." he pleaded, looking back at her. "Just wait in the car, this won't be long." she snapped, walking over to a grave.


"When he attacks, our friend described it as a trance, like a waking nightmare. That's why we think he's coming for her next. Does any of this, anything we've told you sound like what happened to your family?" Y/n asked, watching his sit on the chair, hands pressed together. "I know this is hard-" Nancy started as he cut her off. "You don't know anything!" He shouted, annoyed at her. "You're right. We don't know, that's why we're here. To learn, to understand." Nancy admitted, victor turning round. "We need to know how you survived that night." Robin finished, Victor chuckling in disbelief. "Survived? Is that what you call this? Did I survive? No, I assure you. I'm still very much in hell." he explained.

"I had been back from the war some fourteen years. her great-uncle had died, leaving us a small fortune. Enough to by a new home, a new life. It was a magnificent home. Alice said it looked like it was from a fairy tale. But Henry, my...my boy, he was a sensitive child...and I could see he felt something was wrong. We had one month of peace in that house. And then it began. Dead animals, mutilated, tortured, began to appear near our home. Rabbits, squirrels, chickens, even dogs. The police chief blamed the attacks on a wildcat...this was no wildcat. 

This was an evil. And evil neither animal nor human. This was a spawn of Satan, a demon. And it was even closer than I realised. My family began to have encounters, conjured by this demon. Nightmares, waking, living nightmares. This demon, it seemed to take pleasure in tormenting us. Even poor, innocent Alice. It wasn't long before I began to have encounters of my own. I suppose all evil must have a home. And though I had not a rational explanation for it, I... I could sense this demon, always close. I became convinced it was hiding, nesting, somewhere within the shadows of our home. It had cursed out town. It had cursed our home, it had cursed us." he paused, sitting on the bed.

"It took Virginia first. I tried to get the children out, to save them. But I was back to France, back in the war. It...it was a memory, I had thought German soldiers were inside, I ordered it's shelling, I was wrong. This demon, it was taunting me. And I was sure it would take me, just as he'd taken my Virginia. But then...I heard...another voice. At first, I believed it was an angel. And I... I followed her, only to find myself in a nightmare far worse. While I was away, the demon took my children. henry slipped into a coma shortly after that. A week later, he died. I tried to join them, I tried." he said, mimicking himself stabbing his eyes. "Hatch stopped the bleeding. He wouldn't let me join them." he explained, curling up on his bed. "The angel you followed, who was she?" Nancy asked, Victor starting to hum a song. "That's...that's Dream a little dream of me...by, uh...Ella Fitzgerald!" Y/n muttered, the other two looking at them.

The door bashed open, rapid footsteps. "Is he everything you had hoped he would be? I just had a very interesting conversation with Professor Brantley. Perhaps we should discuss this in my office, while we wait for the police." Hatch shouted, the three of them bracing themselves.


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