6 | Finding Eddie

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"Have you talked to anyone else?" Dustin asked, walking through the hallway. "No, I can't find Lucas or Nancy, and Mikes in-" Max told him, being cut off. "California. Shit, shit, shit." Dustin finished, walking to the door. "Dusty where are you going?" his mother asked him as he opened the door, Max walking out first. "To see y/n and then a friend." he said, his mother gasping. "You heard the news, it's not safe!" she told him as he looked at her with a small smile, holding the door frame. "We'll be careful. Thanks, love you, bye." he rambled quickly, shutting the door before she could protest.


They parked their bikes up before running into the store, getting the attention of the older teens. "Hey, y/n." Dustin said, making them wave at him. "You guys see this?" Steve said, pointing at the TV. "How many phones do you have?" Dustin questioned, Steve looking at him in confusion. "Someone was murdered." Steve scoffed, shaking his head at him. "How many phones do you have?" Dustin repeated, Steve giving him the 'really?' look. "Three. Why?" Steve responded. "Technically four, if you count Keith's in the back." Robin mentioned, Max nodding at Dustin. "Yeah, four works." she said, Dustin taking his bag off. "What are you doing?" Steve asked, Dustin completely ignoring him and chucking his bag over.

"Woah! What are you-" Steve shouted as Robin groaned. "My pile!" she huffed, glaring at him. "No, no, no! Not my tapes! Bud!" Y/n wined looking at their brother who rolled his eyes at them. "What're you doing, man?" Steve shouted, looking at Dustin. Max walked around, going through the normal way and stood next to y/n, who put an arm around her and squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. "Setting up base of operations here." Dustin bluntly responded. They all looked at him in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about. "Base of operation?" Y/n wondered, Dustin nodding.

"Get off of it!" Steve said as Dustin argued with him. "No, I need it." he defended, typing in something. "For what?" Robin questioned, looking at y/n who shrugged their shoulders. "Eddie's friends' phone numbers." he admitted, Steve rolling his eyes at the name. "Oh, Eddie. Your new best friend who you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve brought up, everyone groaning. "He is cooler." Y/n mumbled, making Max laugh quietly. "Yes, I never said that!" Dustin said, looking at Steve. "Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around in here like toddlers, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day."  Robin informed them, Dustin still not caring.

"Alright, look Robin, I totally empathize, but this cannot wait until Monday." Dustin told them, carrying on. "What, is calling all of Eddie's friends an emergency?" Robin said sarcastically, not actually believing him. "Correct!" He responded, y/n looking over in concern. "Is...is Eddie, okay?" they asked him, Dustin gulping. "That, my dear sibling...is what we're trying to find out." he said, not looking up from the screen. "Uh, do you want me to strangle him, or do you want to?" Steve wondered, helping Robin pick up the mess. "We could take turns!" Robin answered. "Hey! That's my brother you're talking about guys, remember." Y/n reminded, earning huffs from both of them. "Can you fill them in while I do this?" Dustin asked Max, turning to her for a split second. "Fill us in on what?" Y/n queried, unsure of what to expect.

"The 'body' was Chrissy, she was found in his trailer."


"Hey, have you seen or heard from Eddie recently?" Dustin asked to the person down the other end of the phone. "When was the last time you talked to him?" he carried on. "Eddie Munson. Seen him?" Max said, asking a different person who may have hopefully heard from him. "Okay, sorry to bother you." he said, crossing another name off the whiteboard. "Know anyone who'd know where he is?" Y/n wondered, playing with the cord and fiddling with their hands. "I really don't think he's at the arcade. Yep, I'm pretty sure." Y/n finished, hanging up. "Reefer Rick? No. Does this Reefer Rick have a last name? I mean, it's kind of..." Max said, silently groaning. Steve tended to the customers - he insisted on doing it (definitely not so he could just flirt with them).

"Hey, guys, I might have a lead." Max said, everyone turning to her. "Seriously?" Y/n returned, a small smile on their face. "Apparently, Eddie gets his drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there." she explained, all of them listening closely. "Sounds promising. Where does Reefer Rick guy live?" Robin asked. Max scratched her neck and looked back at them. "See, that's the thing. No one knows. He's more of a... legend than someone that people actually know." Max recalled, remembering what she was told. Dustin shook his head and stood up. "What about a last name?" he asked, seeing Max's face. "I'll take that as a no." he answered, sighing.

"Bet the cops know the last name." Steve spoke up, earning looks from them all. "I mean, listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he's been busted at some point.  Means he's in the system." he finished, still getting looks. "The cops? Really, Steve? That's your suggestion?" Dustin said, face palming, not believing what he was hearing. "I mean, I just think at this point, they should be filled in on what we know, what's going on." Steve defended, Y/n scoffing and rolling their eyes, walking closer to him. "You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?" they accused, looking Steve dead in the eye. "Woah, I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just, you know, don't think that we can rule it out." he said, slapping his hands together and rubbing them. Max looked at him in confusion, sighing.

"That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve." Max answered back, Dustin agreeing. "And maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie!" he shouted, annoyed at the brunette. "Oh well, somebody has to attend to the customers!" he defended, Robin laughing at him and pulling a face, leaning against the desk. "Especially if they're babes, right?" she commented, winking at him. He gasped and glared. "Hey, not fair. Okay? I attend to all costumers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people." He excused, Robin snorting at him.

"Yeah, it can be." Y/n laughed before sitting on the stool and looking at the screen. "What are you doing?" Max asked, looking at them. They typed some things in, the others watching curiously. "Maybe we don't need a last name. Twelve Ricks have accounts here." they declared, scanning through the names. "So, let's narrow it down. Rick alderman's latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo." Robin finished, looking at Dustin. "Chances our drug dealer has a family? Not likely." Y/n said, moving onto the next one.

"Rick Conoroy, sixteen candles, teen wolf, romancing the stone. No." Steve said, y/n moving to the next. "Rick Joiner, Mask, Footloose and Grease." Robin read out. "No." everyone responded, certain that definitely wasn't him. "Rick Lipton. Fast times at Ridgemont High, Cheech & Chong's next movie, Cheech & Chong's nice dreams, Cheech & Chong's up in smoke. Bingo!" Y/n grinned, feeling relieved they were closer to finding him. "Lipton?" Max questioned, Robin nodding. "Spelled like the tea. 2121 Holland Road." she read out, Dustin and y/n picking everything up. "That's out by Lover's lake, the middle of nowhere." y/n mentioned, bouncing on their feet. "Perfect place to hide." Robin smiled, following after the others. They rushed out the door, pilling into y/n's car as Steve locked the shop's door, then getting in the passenger seat.

Eddie, here we come.

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