16 | Uh oh

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"Hey, uh, Dustin?" Steve spoke, gaining his attention as they walked through the rooms. "Yeah?" he responded, moving his flashlight around the room, looking for any unusual things. "Could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we're supposed to be looking for here?" Steve asked. "'The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.'" Dustin quoted in a British accent, turning to face Steve. "Sherlock Holmes?" Dustin questioned, scoffing as he saw Steve's dumbfounded face. "That's great. Thanks, that's great. Really helpful. Sherlock..." Steve muttered, looking down at the floor. He moved the vent, opening it up and sticking his hand down, looking for any clues. he grabbed a jar, lifting it up to look at the contents; grimacing as he saw a spider inside before dropping it due to a spider running up his arm. The jar smashed, Steve stumbling back as he brushed himself off, making sure it was gone.

"Woah, woah, what's wrong?" Nancy quickly questioned, stepping back as he had bumped into her. "There was a spider. It's a black widow." Steve breathed out, closing the door and turning to face her. "Don't go in there." he said, Nancy nodding. She looked at the back of his head, wincing. "Oh, oh, there's something...wait, stop moving." she demanded, pulling stuff out of his hair. "If there's a spider, you're never gonna find it in there until it lays eggs, and all the babies spill out." Robin teased, coming around the corner and seeing the pair. "What's wrong with you?" Steve queried, Robin chuckling at his reaction. "Robin, seriously. She's got problems." Steve mumbled, Nancy only hearing it.

"Yeah, tell me about it." she agreed, pulling stuff out his hair. "It's cool you two are like friends now. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world and stuff, maybe we can all go out or something. You know? Me, you, Robin, Y/n, Jonathon, when he's back. It's not like we're dating. Me and Robin, not like we're dating. Right, she told you? that we're not?" he rambled, Nancy nodding and assuring him she had been told many times. "Platonic with a capital P." Robin called from the other room. Steve sighed and nodded. "Yep, thank you. I mean...I would date her. It's just...she's...we're just...never mind. We're friends." Steve stumbled, not wanting to expose what only he and Y/n knew with Robin only feeling comfortable to tell them. "Okay, all better." Nancy said, Steve turning round and thanking her. "Great, um...guess we should, um, get back to the investigation. 'The obvious things are not what people observe.'" Steve said, quoting Dustin and walking off, calling Dustin's name to find where he was.

Max and Lucas walked into another living room, 'running up that hill' blasting from Max's headphones. Her tape deck clicking as she scrambled to rewind it so she could play it again. "I wish we had a longer loop." Lucas huffed, looking at the tape deck. Max smiled softly at him, glancing up for a brief second. "Forty-six minutes isn't bad. I think there are bigger concerns, like...what if, by listening to this over and over, I get sick of it, and suddenly it's not my favourite song anymore? Will it still work? Or will Kate Bush like, lose her magic power or something?" Max worried, Lucas shaking his head. "Kate Bush? Never." he responded, Max looking at him in disbelief. "You're a Kate Bush fan?" She questioned, not buying what he was saying and holding back a laugh. "Uh, yeah. Now I am. Mega fan. She...she saved your life. besides, we're not on this creepy trail, we're gonna find Vecna and kill him before he even thinks about messing with you again. all right?" Lucas told her, his hand resting on her shoulder comfortingly.

"In fact, I bet if we hit these suckers in the right combo, we might just open a door to his secret lair." Lucas joked, walking over to the piano as Max followed, a grin on her face. He played two random chords before turning back to her. "Voila." he laughed, Max laughing along and shaking her head. "You're such a dork. I thought you were, like, one of the cool kids now." she mocked as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm not cool?" he stated, making Max laugh at him as he laughed along. "I've really missed that." he admitted, smiling at her. She looked at him and then the piano, eyes darting from one to the other. "Missed what?" she questioned, feeling her face heat up slightly. "Your laugh." he said, Max avoiding his eyes. The tape deck clicked, signifying it was done. "All done. Work your magic, Kate." she joked, going to put the headphones back up. The lights flickering caught both of their eyes. "I promise I'm gonna stop asking this, but...you're seeing that, right?" she asked, Lucas agreeing. She reached her hand up, touching the lampshade as it turned off completely. Another lampshade lit up outside the room, catching Lucas' attention. "Look." he said, getting Max's attention. They followed it outside, the light now moving to another one as they turned to look at each other, mouths agape and wide eyes.


"Eddie? Answer me!" Y/n called, twisting and turning the walkie-talkie in all directions, not getting any response but a static. "Shit, shit, shit!" Y/n repeated, placing the walkie-talkie down and holding their hands behind their head. Not only were they in some old house, where Vecna was possibly hiding but Jason and his friends had found Eddie and were definitely going to try to kill him. "Y/n, come on!" Dustin called, them nodding and following after him to where the whole group stood around the chandelier, the lights still flickering. "It's like the Christmas lights." Y/n commented, remembering how the lights flickered at the Byers house. "The Christmas lights?" Robin repeated, not knowing what they were referring to. "Yeah, when Will was in the upside down, the lights...came to life." Y/n explained, Robin nodding and trying to understand. "Vecna's here. In this house. Just on the other side." Lucas commented, Y/n grabbing a hold of Dustin out of instinct. The lights shut off, another one lighting up somewhere. "I think he just left the room." Robin remarked, Max looking around.

"Did he hear us?" Max whispered, Steve looking at her and seconding her statement. He shuffled, taking a step forward. "Can he see us?" he asked, Lucas getting Max's attention. "Headphones." he insisted, Max nodding and quickly placing them on her head, just to be safe. "Wait, wait. Everyone, turn off your flashlights and spread out." Nancy demanded, everyone following. "We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash...lights. Jesus Christ." Steve whispered, following Y/n. They followed behind Dustin, not too close but making sure he was in their eye-line. "I got him! Got him!" Robin shouted, her flashlight glowing. "I had him." she said as it dimmed, Steve's flashlight now flowing. Then Y/n's, then Dustin's. "he's moving, he's moving." Steve announced, following after Dustin. They got to the top of the stairs, his flashlight now dims. "We lost him." Steve huffed, Max shaking her head and opening the door to another room. "You didn't." she assured, all of them piling into the attic.

Eddie groaned as he tried to use the walkie-talkie, it not working as some water had gotten in, not realising there was water in the bottom of the boat he had climbed into as he placed it down.



He pushed the paddle, trying to gain some speed and get further out, his nerves the highest it had been the whole time. "Holy shit. Hey, freak!" he heard a voice call as he turned back, his heart dropping as he saw who it was. "Where do you think you're going?" Jason called, starting to take his suit off. "Shit. Come on. Just come on..." he muttered, pulling on the engine which just spluttered. "You scared of some water? Let's go!" Jason said, turning to Patrick who followed his orders. "You piece of shit! Come on. Gotta help me out here, man. Come on! Come on, you piece of shit! Come on!" Eddie pleaded, his heart racing as he saw Jason run into the water. "Goddamn it! Nope? Okay, all right, okay." Eddie huffed, picking the Oar back up and paddling. Jason was right behind him, one wrong move and it was over for him - that was it.

The group circled around the singular light in the middle of the attic, the light flickering and one by one, their torches lighting up again, signify8ing where Vecna was in the upside down. Patrick was right behind Jason, he paused for a second, looking around. There it was again - the chiming. One chime. "Hey, stay back, man! Stay back! Stay back!" Eddie shouted, swinging his oar around. "Hey, come on, let's go! We almost have him!" Jason called, looking back at Patrick who was still searching around for the source. Second chime. "Hey, Patrick! Patrick! Patrick!" Jason repeated, swimming slightly closer. Third chime. Patrick was pulled under. Jason and Eddie both looking around, confused. "Patrick?" Jason called, swimming on the spot, looking for him. "Hey, Patrick? Patrick!" he called.

All of sudden, Patrick's body lifted up into the air, levitating above the water. Eddie looked up, remembering what happened to Chrissy. He tumbled back, falling overboard, taking the time to swim away to the other side of Lover's lake. Jason watched in horror as Patrick's bones started snapping. His right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm. The group flinched as their flashlights broke, the glass exploding and shattering, one by one, the energy too much. Eddie swam up to the surface, eyes widening as the scene. Jason felt his body go numb on the spot, Patrick's mouth opening wide, his jaw breaking before his eyes exploded, letting out a terrified scream while Patricks body hit the water, sinking to the bottom. Y/n gasped as the other's turned to them.


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