3 | d&d

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Mike, Y/n and Dustin all walked down the schools dimly lit hallway, Y/n sighing. "I can't believe I agreed to this." they muttered, Dustin looking back at them. They smiled at him and looked forward, clutching the folders in their hand. "What'd you say?" he asked, not hearing what his sibling had commented. They shrugged their shoulders, glad they were now at the room, Mike opening the door. "Y/n Henderson? What a surprise!" Eddie grinned, Y/n sending a small smile his way. "You asked for a sub, we delivered." Dustin told him, Eddie putting his hands up in surrender, agreeing with the statement. "Know how to play?" he asked, eyebrow raised, looking at Y/n. "Well, having to have played with them for a good few years, I'd hope I did, yeah." they retorted, the others chuckling at their statement.

"What's your class and level? Level one dwarf?" he teased, leaning over them. Y/n grinned back at him, unfazed by the metalhead's comment. "My name is y/c/n, and I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14. And I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So, we gonna play or are we gonna keep chitchatting like a mother's meeting, Munson?" they answered back, the rest of the members looking over in astonishment. "When did Y/n get so good?" Mike whispered to Dustin, not remembering the last time they played. "I dunno man..." he admitted, proud of them. "Welcome to Hellfire, sweetheart." Eddie smiled, holding his hand out for them to shake and ignoring the daggers Dustin was practically glaring into him. Y/n shook his hand and nodded.


"The hooded cultists chant, 'Hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna.' They turn to you, remove their hoods, you recognise most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shrivelled, desiccated. And something else - he's not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!" He told, covering his eye with his hand and standing up. The group screamed and groaned, chorus of 'What? No! No!" and "Vecna's dead! He was killed by Kas." could be heard. "So, it was thought, my friends. So..it was thought. But Vecna lives!" he called, slamming the figure down on the table. "You are scared, you're tired, you are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight? Come on!" he questioned, looking at the other end of the table. "I say we fight. To the death." Dustin said, looking around at the others. "To the death!" Mike and Y/n repeated, nodding. Soon enough, they were all chanting 'to the death! To the death!". Y/n rolled the die, everyone cheering as they rolled a high enough number. Mike rolled, everyone watching intently, a figure being knocked over as Eddie pulled a face. First Mike missed and then Jeff, everyone's hope slowly decreasing.

More dies were rolled and more arguments, complaining at Eddie who just laughed and cackled at them. Figure, after figure, after figure were being knocked over, their luck decreasing with everyone. "Guys, I hate to say this, but we've got to flee." Gareth said as they all huddled in a group, y/n, Dustin and Mike all looking at him with mouths agape. "I concur." the others said, agreeing with the idea. Dustin huffed at the older members. "Didn't we just agree 'to the death'?" Y/n argued, Gareth looking at them with a 'really?' face. Eddie sat comfortably in his chair, watching the group with a smile - well, mainly Y/n. "That wasn't literal!" Gareth face palmed but keeping his patience. "Vecna just decimated us. We can't kill him with two players. " Jeff agreed, Dustin butting in, completely disagreeing. "You too? He only has 15 hit points left. Don't be pussies." he defended, Gareth rolling his eyes. "Pussies? Really? 'Cause we're not delusional?" he argued back as Y/n stepped in, not liking his tone towards Dustin.

"Delusional? How about not cowards?" they retorted, their tone obviously showing how agitated they were, a slight tension rising. "Hey! If I may interject, gentlemen, y/c/n. Whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes, not today. 'kay?" he persuaded, Y/n rolling their eyes at his bullshit. "One sec" Dustin said, holding his finger up to Eddie. "What do you think, Mike?" he asked as the group all turned back around. "How many hit points do you and y/c/n have left?" he asked, both of them playing close attention. "Twelve." the siblings responded straight away, the adrenaline hitting them. "It's risky as hell, but you're the ones on the battlefield. So, it's your call." he finished, Dustin pulling a face and shaking his head. "What do you say, y/c/n?" Dustin asked, sending a grin their way. "Is that even a question?" they responded, both nodding. "Let's kill the son of a bitch." Dustin declared, Eddie beaming at them.

"Chances of success are twenty to one." the others complained, y/n rolling their eyes making Eddie chuckle as they shared a look while Dustin spoke to the others. "Never tell me the odds. Give me the D20." he instructed, looking back at the table. Eddie smirked before throwing it at the boy. The tension grew, feeling like it was almost a life or death situation. He threw the dice, everyone groaning as they saw what it landed on and Eddie cheering. "That's a miss!" he said distorted, laughing at Dustin's shouts of 'shit! shit!". Y/n shook the dice in their hands, everyone leaning on the table and cheering them on. "Please! Come on!" Dustin and Gareth cried, their hands sweating with nerves. Y/n let go throwing the dice, taking a deep breath as they watched it spin. "Crit hit!" They shouted as it landed on 20, the whole table screaming with joy as Eddie looked at it in confusion. "What? What?" he repeated, flinching from the table. "That's why we play!" Eddie congratulated, gesturing to the table and grinning at Y/n who mirrored it right back at him.


Lucas looked over as he saw the group exit the building, all cheering and highfiving y/n. His smile fading and a look of confusion and hurt on his face, thinking about everything. He let out a huff as Patrick tapped him on the back. "Lucas. Come on, man." he said, Lucas following behind, guilty and hurt filling his stomach and head that he tried to supress. Y/n, Mike and Dustin said their goodbyes to the other members, walking over to Y/n's car, the boys still buzzing from excitement. "Y/n!" a voice called, y/n turning around to see who it was, a smile appearing as they saw Eddie. The boys got into the back of the car, now talking about whatever it was they were so interested about.

"Hey...That was a good game! You're better than I thought you'd be." Eddie complimented as y/n raised an eyebrow at him. "Assumed I was going to be bad, did you?" they teased, giggling as Eddie stammered on his words and got flustered. "I'm teasing Eds." they said, eyes widening at the nickname falling out of their mouth. "I'm sorry-" they apologised, now their turn to stutter. "Eds, I like it, it's fine. You should play with us again some time! Maybe help plan the story or something!" he suggested as y/n nodded. "That would be fun, although I don't think it'll be anywhere near as good as yours, dragon master." they complimented back, Eddie going a tint of red. "That's settled then. I gotta get going, I have uh, a deal to do if you know what I mean. See you around y/n/n!" he told y/n, saying goodnight and both getting into their separate cars. Y/n smiled to themself as they got in the car and turned the music on, their Kiss cassette playing. "What's got you so happy?" Dustin questioned, Mike hitting his knee, earning a 'what?'. "Y/n..." he said in a warning tone, y/n ignoring him as they drove off, turning the music louder making Dustin give up.

Damn you, Eddie Munson.

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