28 | Two days later

660 12 4

"Y/n? Talk to us..." Robin tried but got no response, Y/n just blanking them and placing the box into their car before walking back into the house to get another. "How much longer do we have to keep this from them..." Nancy whispered, it causing her pain to see Y/n like this. Robin nodded as Steve shook his head. "We have to wait until we get into the school, it'll be better..." he assured, biting his tongue and shushing them as Dustin came over. "Someone order a pizza?" Karen questioned, gaining all five of their attention, Y/n now back out and leaning on the car door. "Pizza?" Dustin questioned, looking at the bright yellow car approaching them, 'surfer boy's pizza' scribbled on the sides and on the sign on top. They all collectively gasped as they saw who stepped out. First Jonathon and a new person they'd never met, then he helped Eleven out, then Mike and then Will. Y/n felt tears come to their eyes and they watched everyone reunite - Mike with his mother and Nancy, Dustin with Will and Eleven and Nancy and Jonathon. They felt a pang of jealousy struck them as they watched the couple, Eddie's last moments flooding their mind making them get into the car and slam the door so everyone else didn't see their tears.

They wiped their tears away, hitting the wheel out of anger and hissing at the sudden pain, glaring at the dashboard as it read 'Friday'. They were in there for about five minutes before Dustin, Steve and Robin all climbed in and they took off, driving off to the school to drop off all their donations. The ride was silent, Steve and Robin feeling guilty about having to keep a secret from the siblings, knowing they were currently in pain and in mourning. The only thing you could hear was the occasional deep breath and the low volume of the radio, softly playing 'I was made for lovin you' making Y/n smile sadly. They had arrived at the school, each of them taking in a box or two and heading inside to the hall where people had set up stalls for food, water, clothing, toys - whatever they needed due to the 'earthquake'.

"Uh, so these are blankets and sheets, and some...some clothes and...and some kids' toys and some food." Robin explained, the other three nodding along with her as the volunteer smiled kindly at the group. "Wow, it's already so organized - we appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?" the worker asked, all of them looking at each other unsure. Y/n cleared their throat and stepped forward. "No, I don't think we need one. Thank you, though. But...is there anything else we can do to help?" they spoke up, the worker once again smiling at them, appreciative of the generosity.


"Hey, Dustin. Hang on." Y/n said, noticing Wayne over at the board, putting up a new missing poster for Eddie as the old one had been drawn on. They quickly placed the tray down before running over, Dustin following. "Mr Munson? I'm Y/n Henderson, this is my brother Dustin. Can we talk?" they asked, Wayne shaking his head and turning to face him, looking up from the ground. "I can't imagine we got anything to talk about. My nephew is innocent, he's still missing. I'll out up as many posters as I need until he's found. Good day to you." he finished as Y/n took a deep breath. "We were with him. We were with him when the Earthquake hit." they informed him, their voice wavering as they walked over to him carefully. "And... where is Eddie?" he questioned, Y/n biting their tongue. Wayne sat down on the free bed, seeing the guitar pick necklace in their hand, Y/n sitting with him and Dustin. "I wish everyone had gotten to know him, really know him...because they would of loved him. Mr Munson, they would of loved him. Even in the end...he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything, I never even saw him get mad. He could've run, he could've saved himself. But he fought, he fought and died to protect this town... The town that hated him...that didn't deserve him. He isn't just innocent...Mr Munson, he's...he's a hero." they finished, Wayne turning to look at them.

"You think I'm a hero?" a voice called from behind, making the three of them tense up. There's no way, no way that was him. Wayne turned around first, letting out a heavy breath as he met eyes with him and immediately standing up, pulling them into a hug. "You...you absolute idiot." he mumbled, the hug being reciprocated. Steve and Robin joined, standing in front of the siblings. Dustin was next to turn around, Y/n shaking their head before holding their head in their hands, Steve and Robin chuckling. "You...but we saw you-" Dustin stuttered confused but hugging the male anyway who laughed at his reaction. "Thank Steve and Nancy, the doctors said any later and I probably would of ended up dying." he chuckled, Dustin grinning, happy to have him back. "Well, I guess I can take those posters down now." Wayne smiled, picking his bag up. "It's also very nice to finally meet the Hendersons Eddie always talks about" he teased, the metalhead groaning. "Wait! I'll come help!" Dustin called, running after Eddie's uncle and going to help while Steve and Robin went back to volunteering to give them some time to themselves.

Y/n hard the footsteps move from behind to in front of them, feeling him crouch down in front of them. "I'm hurt Y/n/n, I thought you'd want to see me." he joked, resting his hands on their arms. "You can't ignore me all day, sweetheart. We have our date at eight, remember?" he managed to get out before Y/n tackled him into a hug, knocking the air out of him. "You...you son of a bitch, Munson! I thought I had lost you! You absolute idiot! And what on Earth were you thinking? Risking your life like that-" they rambled on as he rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to theirs, shutting them up and wrapping his arms around their waist. "I promised you a date and I don't breaky my promises, especially not with a pretty person who's mine." he teased, his face bright red and the massive stupid grin they adored plastered on his face. They pecked his lips again and wrapped their arms around his neck. "Still my cheesy loser I see." they joked back, Eddie nodding.

"I love you, so much." he said in between kisses before they broke away, needing air and their foreheads touching. "How come there's no one in here trying to kill you?" they half teased, now remembering he was wanted for the murders. "The police came in while I was in hospital, we spoke about it and the murders also kept happening while I was in there, so they released proof I was innocent." he cheered, Y/n beaming even more and swaying them both side to side. "That's amazing!" they breathed out. Eddie also grinned mischievously, making them tilt their head. "Nancy may have also somehow convinced them Jason could be a possible suspect." he exposed, Y/n letting out a gasp. "No fucking way! He died though! Lucas said the gate split him in half!" Y/n informed him, it now being Eddie's turn to gasp.

"Wait, what!?"

I was made for lovin' you | Eddie munson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now