:/ #83

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The next day, you were heading to the gym to get some simple training in. However, you were interrupted by a small version of All Might at the door. 

"Young Y/N! I was hoping to speak with you for a moment." He said trying to keep up a smile. 

Confused, you shrugged and agreed. He pulled you aside and sighed. "I heard that you had a bit of a rough night last night."

You crossed your arms. "If you're going to tell me it's not my fault, and that my mother made her own decisions, Aizawa beat you to it." 

"Well, yes. I just wanted to make sure you are-" He started, but you cut him off. 

"All Might listen. I'm sorry that your career ended. But Kacchan is more upset about you retiring than me. Well, he feels more guilty I should say." You clarified. "Honestly, I thought you talked to him about that last night when he asked Deku about his quirk, the one you gave him." You thought out loud, remembering the conversation you and Bakugou had earlier that morning. 

All Might looked around, panic on his face. "He told you?" He exclaimed, rather than asked. 

Pinching your eyebrows together, you glared at him annoyed. "What- told me? Bitch, I had him ask because I'm the one who figured it out. Do you really think he's smart enough to realize you gave Deku his quirk?" You lowered your voice when you said the final part. To make sure no one heard you. 

You noticed how nervous he looked, and sighed. "Relax. I won't tell anyone. Unlike some people, I know how to keep a secret. Honestly, if you pick Deku to be your successor because you think he can keep a secret, boy did you pick wrong." You looked towards the doors of the gym before looking back at All Might and asking, "Can I go now?" 

All Might nodded and you turned on your heels and walked into the gym, your gym bag over your shoulder. 
As you entered the gym and tried to figure out which machine you wanted to use first, someone walked up to you. "Hey Y/N?" 

It was Uraraka. "What" 

She took a breath, then looked at you with a determined look. "I've been thinking about the sports festival a lot." 

"You did really well." You stated, fixing the bag on your shoulder. 

"Oh, you think?" You nodded. "Well, I was thinking about my fight with Bakugou and every time I think about it, I feel like I could have lasted longer. And I get mad that I didn't. So I was hoping that you could help me train." 

"You want me to help you?" You asked crossing your arms, a bit of confusion and disgust on your face. "Yea, I'm not really the teaching type." 

"Well, I was just thinking that you could at least give me some pointers. Because the next time I fight Bakugou, I want to be able to at least-" 

"Wait. You want me to help you so you can fight Kacchan?" 

"Well- I mean, he is a strong opponent, and I want to be able to at least touch him the next time we fight. Cause during the sports festival, I couldn't get close enough." 

"Yea, I don't really care about that. You want me to help you so you can kick his ass?" She opened her mouth to say something, but backed out and just nodded. You smirked. "Let's go find a training room." 

"Wait, really?" She asked, following you towards one of the training rooms near the back. 

"Rule number one, if you're going to sneak up on someone, don't yell. I don't know why you did, you would have won." 


Later that night, you walked through the doors of the dorm building. "Hey, girl. Where have you been?" 

You looked towards the couches and saw Jiro sitting there with all the girls. 

"I told you I went to my dad's." You explained while taking your shoes off. 
After you and Uraraka trained for a little bit, you headed out to hand out with your dad for a little bit. To get build-up, and hopefully fix, your relationship. This was the first time you've gone over since you move into the dorms. 

As you headed to the elevators, Uraraka called to you. "We are having girl talk if you want to come join us." 

You turned around, walking backwards, to reply. "No. I'm tired. I'm going to bed." 

You turned back around and walked to the elevator. It arrived, you got in, waited for your floor, then walked to Bakugou's room. You didn't bother knocking, instead, you walked in to him sitting at his desk doing homework. He glanced at you, then went back to his work. You closed the door and laid down on his bed. 

"What's up with you?" He asked, not moving his gaze from his work. "Did your dad do something wrong?" 

"No. Dad's fine. I'm just tired." 

"That's what you get for staying up too late." 

You stick your tongue out at his back, then pull out your phone to scroll through your social media. 

Some time goes by and Bakugou finally finished his homework. He turned his lamp off and spun around in his chair to look at you. You looked like you were half asleep, and fighting to stay awake. He smiled at how tired you looked.  

You felt him looking at you, so you turned your head and asked what he wanted. 

"Nothing. You sleeping in here?" He asked getting off his chair and heading to his closet. You hummed in agreement while sitting up. Opening his drawers, he threw you a t-shirt, which you were too tired to catch, so it hit you in the face. 

When you pulled it off your face, Bakugou had pulled his shirt over his head and was changing into a pair of sweat pants. 

You pulled your hoodie and top off, then put his t-shirt on. Once on, you took your shorts off and put your clothes on his desk chair then turned back to his bed. Which he was already sitting on. You turned back to his desk and grabbed his laptop. You turned back around and held out his computer. The blond rolled his eyes. 

"What movie do you want to watch?" You walked over and handed him his computer as he spoke while rolling his eyes. 

You sat on his bed as he pulled up Netflix. "I don't care." 

He scrolled through all the options while you got under the blankets and cuddled up to him. Eventually, he picked a movie and the two of you laid down. Your head on his chest, while one of his hands was around your waist and the other was under his head, helping him hold it up so he could see what was happening.
Not even five minutes into the movie, you were already asleep. 

Words: 1166
Hey guys. Sorry, this was a little late. Yesterday I just had one of those days where I didn't want to do anything. Idk why but. 
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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