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Walking back into the observation room, you see that most of the class was in there watching a fight on the monitors. You walk up to the front of the crowd and found Jiro standing there with her hands on the metal railing watching the exam intensely.

"Hey," You say as you reach the metal railing, placing your hands on the railing the same way she is.

She turns to you, "Hey, you missed like half the fight,"

You look up at the monitor. Bakugou was missing both his gauntlets and it looks like he just sent a large blast at All Might, giving Midoriya a chance to escape. You know that it was a large blast because he was holding his wrist in pain, and his blast only strains his arms when he makes really big blasts.
"How were they getting along?"

"Not too well. Then Bakugou had a sudden change of heart after Midoriya punched him in the face, and carried him into an ally," You pinch my eyebrows in confusion as you turn to Jiro. She understands why you are confused though. "That is not what I think they were doing. But you don't seem upset, even if that is what they were doing,"

"I don't care who he fucks," You pause. But was then reminded of a girl from your childhood. "As long as it's not the girl he dated our second year of middle school,"

"He had a girlfriend?" Jiro asked almost surprised.

"Mhm," You turn back to the monitors, resting your head on your palms as your elbows rest on the railing when you notice Jiro had bandages on her ears. You turn back to her. "Hey what happened?" You ask pointing to her bandages.

"Hm? Oh, Present Mic was just a little loud. I'm fine,"

"If you say so," You turn back to the monitors. You watch as Bakugou distracted All Might, while Midoriya snuck around trying to make it to the exit.
All Might noticed and turned to Midoriya. However, before All Might could do anything, Bakugou quickly jumped in front of All Might and blasted him with an explosion larger than the blast he made at the sports festival when he fought Uraraka.
Since he was still slightly in the air, the blast knocked both boys back. Bakugou flew back to the wall surrounding the whole arena, causing him to hit his head and pass out.

You start to freeze up. Fear covering your face like a mask. You raise from the railing, now resting your hands on the railing clenching it so hard, if you hold it any harder, it would break.

Midoriya saw Bakugou and turned to see if he could see All Might. He couldn't, so he ran over and picked up the unconscious blond, carrying him to the exit. The buzzer saying they passed went off.

The minute that exam ended, you immediately run to the hospital area to make sure Bakugou was ok.


It was the next day, the day of the midterm written exams. The classroom was silent as there were still a few people finishing up their exam, however, you notice that most of the students were done. You are finished and are laying your head on your desk to pass the time. That is until there was a knock on the door.

Everyone looks up at the door and sees that it was the girl from the support course. You talked to her yesterday about getting a support item for your hero costume.

"Sorry, um. Can I see Y/N please?" She asks Mr. Aizawa as she pokes her head through the door.

Mr. Aizawa looks at you. "I finished my exam," You say, so he wouldn't think this is some way for you to cheat.

"Bring your exam here," Doing as he says, you bring up your exam to him, then he motions for you to go with the support course girl. You nod and run out to the hallway.

"Sorry, what are you guys doing?" The girl asks. You remember this girl from the sports festival. You fought her in the first round of the third event. She kinda used the fight as her own personal commercial, showing off all of her 'babies'. She has pink hair and goggles on her head that are giving you steampunk vibes.

"Midterm. Do you have it?" You ask, trying to get back on topic.

"Oh, right," She reaches into a small backpack that she has on her back, and pulls out a small container, handing it to you. "Here you are. My baby number 2097. Try it on,"

I pinch my eyebrows in confusion as I open the case. It looks as if it is a charging port, charging some kind of earpiece. "Um...?" You pull out the earpiece and start to put it in your ear.

"Now, double-tap to make it come out," Confusion lacing your actions, you double-tap the button on the earpiece, and a pair of glasses came in front of your eyes.

"Woah," The glasses had a bunch of different numbers. It looks like you are looking through binoculars.

"They can zoom in to over 200 meters away. Just turn the little dial on the side," She pointed to the left side of the glasses. You lift your hand to touch that side of the glasses, and you feel a little turn dial and two small buttons. You turn the dial slightly, and the glasses zoom in with extreme detail.

"Oh fuck. This is awesome. Thanks," You say, not able to wipe the smile off your face.

"Some things to know, the first button gives you a thermal vision shader, and the second gives you night vision," The pink-haired girl explains.

"This is awesome," You start as you press both buttons to see what it looks like. "This is honestly better than I expected. Truly thank you,"

"That's not all," She sings a little. You double-tap the button again, and the glasses reset and go back to the earpiece.
You look at her with a hum, as she reaches in her bag again pulling out a small metal square, that looks almost like a portable charger. "I figured since you will need that to see further away, you would need a quick way to get to further places. So I made you this," She explains with a smile.

You take the metal square from her hand. "Umm... what is it?"

"Drop it while flicking your wrist," Her happy smile quickly turns to an excited one.
Doing as she says, you drop the metal with a flick of your wrist, and it turns itself into a hoverboard, that can fly.

"Holy shit! You made me a hoverboard?" You ask excitedly.

"Yea. It can go up to 200 mph, and it has a battery life of 48 hours. Plus, you stop using the battery when it is closed. Do you like it?" She brings her hands up in a cute excited way, anticipating your response.

"Like it? I fucking love it. This is awesome, bitch. Thank you," You say admiring the hoverboard in front of you.

"You are absolutely welcome. Tell your friends," She says with a freakish smile as she throws her bag back over her shoulder, and starts to turn to walk away.

"Yea," You say as you grab the hoverboard and flick your wrist turning the hoverboard back into its small metal form and throwing it in your pocket.
You watch the pink-haired girl leave, then walk back into the classroom, over to your desk. You sit down and lay your head back on your desk. You sit there for a little when your phone dings. You check to make sure Aizawa isn't looking, then check who texted you. It was Bakugou.

Boom boom boi
what did she give u???

u can see later

You roll your eyes and put your phone back in your pocket ignoring when he texted you again.

Words: 1336

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it was a little shorter than normal. And took a little longer. There was a quick change in chapter plans, and I was highly unmotivated to write the past few days. But I got it done. I also want to say thank you so much for 10k reads. This is so huge for me. You have no idea how thankful I am for this. I kinda want to do a q+a to celebrate. I will talk about it in my next chapter. I hope you enjoyed, (and continue to enjoy) and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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