:/ #40

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Stepping off the train, the train station was packed. It was nearly impossible to walk around without bumping into someone.
Sad to say, your internship was over. You were really enjoying yourself. Getting to hang out and work with your idol. Listening to her compliment you, and say that she was proud of you, it's never been something you heard a lot. But coming from someone you admired pretty much your whole life, it just meant more.

You walk over to the bench you and Bakugou sat at before you left. He texted you when you were on the train, and told you to meet him there.

He knows how much you hate being at your mother's. He's doing his best to keep you out of the house.
He was good at that. He had a lot of practice when you lived at your dad's.

When you finally make it to the bench, you find a random couple making out. Disgusted, you lean against the pillar beside the bench, and wait for Bakugou.

It took him a little while, but eventually, his train did arrive, and he walked out of the train, flat hair and all. You couldn't help but snicker at the sight. However, you did manage to keep your laughs under control, considering the fact that you had seen it every day when you face timed at night.

"The hag said she was picking us up," He says as you both begin to walk to the front doors. He was looking around, probably looking to see if there was anyone from your class. Making sure they wouldn't see his hair.

"Ok," You say between soft snickers to yourself. You can't help yourself. His hair was one of the funniest things you had ever seen.

Bakugou growls a little. He knows exactly why you are laughing, and all it was doing was pissing him off.

You both walk out of the train station and notice another familiar head of ash-blonde hair. It was, in fact, Mitsuki. She was leaning against her car on a phone call.
Probably someone from her work.
However, the moment she saw you both, she ended the call and waved at you catching your attention, even though she already had it.

You reach the car, and she gives you both a hug. She hugged Katsuki, but he never liked her hugs. He tried to push her away, but she refused to let him go. After a push and a half, he gave in and gave her a weak hug back.
Knowing it was the best she was gonna get, she accepted it.

She then hugged you. You may not be much of a hugger. In fact, you hate it when people touch you. Except for Katsuki, of course.
However, this hug was something you needed. The moment she embraced you, you felt at home. You would never say it to their faces, but the Bakugou's were like your second family. They knew it, but you would never admit it.
Mitsuki was a little shocked when you did hug her back. However, she was not going to complain. She missed you. Loves you. As if you were her own. Although you may not be, biologically, you definitely were, emotionally.

After a moment, she let you go. Katsuki stole your bags, and threw them in the trunk of his mom's car, along with his. Then slammed the trunk closed, which caused an angry Mitsuki to yell at him for slamming her doors.

You sat in the back seat, Katsuki in the front, with Mitsuki driving. "So, how were the internships?" Mitsuki asks, breaking the silence in the car.

"Look me in the eyes, and ask me that again," Katsuki says turning his head to his mom. He was asking her to look at his hair. Practically saying that his hair sucks, so his intern sucked.

"No, I saw that. I actually expected that," She says rolling her eye. "I'm asking, what did you do, was there anyone else there, did you get hurt, Y/N looking at you," She looks at you through the mirror. You chuckle nervously and look out the window to attempt to avoid her gaze. "Things like that," She looks back at the road.

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